Forum Discussion
6 Replies
- candiecoatediv2 years agoSeasoned Ace
@crinrict update : I looked at the in season plants and there is an option to water and harvest. It’s greyed out as it’s not necessary but I just wanted to let you know.
Me too!
That's probably not intendeed to work like that. As you can see, if you have a "repaired"/"covered" (?) (in Italian it is riparata) and try to "Take care of the garden" (available for the high level of the garden ability), the sim stucks trying to remove the weeds from a repaired/covered plant (if there are other plant out-of-season in the garden) and he is not able to complete the operation.
From 09:51 to 10:16 he keeps trying to remove the same weed (animation completed and restarted again and again). During summer he was able to take care of garden without any kind of matters.
- RandomBuzziness2 years agoSeasoned Ace
This has happened twice in my game since installing the last game patch (Dec. 5, 2023). Both were out-of-season trees: a cherry tree that grew weeds, and an apple tree that had insects. On both occasions, it happened as my game was exiting a loading screen (I'm pretty sure that both were from loading a save rather than a travel related loading screen). It was not something that happened at 5 a.m. during regular overnight game-play.
As a workaround, I used the shift + click cheat "Set Gardening State" to alter their state.
The "Weed Free" option worked for me, but I think the "Mulched" option should also work. I realize that using the Shift + Click cheat is less than ideal, but it's something to consider until this bug gets fixed.
- candiecoatediv2 years agoSeasoned Ace@RandomBuzziness Thank you for the work around. I’ll be glad when it’s fixed.
- RandomBuzziness2 years agoSeasoned Ace
@candiecoatediv Do you remember in your game if the weeds sprouted overnight or if it happened after the game exited a loading screen, like it did in mine. For me, the weeds/ insects were not there on the last time I had played. They only randomly appeared on the next time I started the game and loaded a save. For this last one, it wasn't even morning in the game, it was late afternoon. It hasn't happened very often for me, like once last week and a second time earlier today. I don't even know if this detail is important, but it might help the devs recreate the bug, or to help them fix it.
- candiecoatediv2 years agoSeasoned Ace@RandomBuzziness Honestly I can’t recall I think it was daytime when I noticed it and the gardener had just been there. But what I have noticed is when my sim returns to the lot the weeds and insects are not there then after a few seconds they appear.
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