Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] [S] Can't tend to plants that are out of season despite requiring

So recently, with some plants, if they're not in season I can't do anything with them. I can't weed, water, spray bugs, or evolve them. I cant do anything with them. I can uproot them, but that's it. Dose anyone else have this problem? If so how can I fix it, or is it a bug? Let me know. Thanks

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  • CGrant56's avatar
    2 years ago


    There was some sort of a change with the patch prior to For Rent that started this.  I am seeing the same things you describe.  I don't think there is anything we players can do about it.  I have found though, if you have other in season plants close by that need care, if you use the tend all, water all, or weed all options that the sim will take care of the out of season plants too.  And you can always move the plants to be under a shelter, then they can be tended and will bear harvestables year-round.

    Hope this helps.

  • Moozilla13's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    2 years ago
    @Bunny_Blunk Also, if you happen to have the ROM pack and have any spellcasters in your current game, their Floralorial spell bypasses this issue.
  • crinrict's avatar
    2 years ago
    @Bunny_Blunk It's by design that you can't do stuff to out of seasons plants anymore. That was a change with the new patch.

    That you are still getting weeds and bugs is a bug tough so I merged this with the existing thread on the issue.
  • I have the same problem -- weed grows around trees outside that are out of season, I also can't fertilize them -- hence they can't evolve. Why would this be by design since the last patch? A grown tree needs care no matter if in season or out of season. Also, I have the weed problem with plants in my big greenhouse, where I grow all my ingredients for nectar making and my vegetables. However, the behaviour is not consistent -- sometimes I can weed the first plant of a garden patch but not the other plants of that same patch, and sometimes I can go back and try another plant that I couldn't weed before. However, this is very time consuming and my ranch hand and my SIM are constantly weeding.