Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] [S] Can't tend to plants that are out of season despite requiring

I have found something that helps in this situation. If you buy a bird tree and a rabbit home on that lot, and enable gardening help from both the birds and the rabbits, the birds will get rid of the bugs and the rabbits will get rid of the weeds. If you already have infestations, it takes a few sim days to get rid of the bugs.

and I place sprinklers next to all my plants, so they still get watered.

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  • OzSimsFamily's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    10 months ago

    @sheridanhoughton fabulous suggestion.  Using the birds and rabbits and/or the sheep and goats definitely helps.  In my market farming game it saved my sims so much time. Unfortunately, I still occasionally need the cheat option to control the weeds bug especially if there are visitors helping in the garden - and it seems to be that the bigger the garden, the more prevalent the problem.  At least that is my experience when I compare my game saves from the basic 2 crops (lettuce and tomatoes) save to the extensive gardens - especially in the farming save where I had a huge market garden with a co-op gardening club.  My 2crop save is my loner-neat-paranoid-perfectionist-loyal-overachiever simself which is as close as I can achieve given that there is only a brief hint at disability in the “inclusive” “play with life” Sims 4 - my Newcrest sim-home has off-the-grid and simple living lot traits and is a micro home and there are lots of animals for company - very much my current reclusive lifestyle although my rl visiting animals are wallabies and emus… be nice to have a Sim-first with an Aussie expansion with environmental issues like introduced animals(rabbits, foxes, cane toads and domestic animals…), indigenous plants and animals, local icons….

  • Aceeee82's avatar
    10 months ago

    The problem is worse but relevant. I cant interact with plants out of seasons at all. Only uproot plant and collect microscopic sample.

  • Sketch793's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    10 months ago

    That's normal.

    Move the out-of-season plants to a sheltered location if you need to interact with them. A sheltered location is anywhere that's under a roof. 

  • Sketch793's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    9 months ago

    Moving out-of-season plants to a sheltered location might not work for you, but it certainly works for me. I just verified it in game. 

  • PandoraTO's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    9 months ago

    Moving plants to a sheltered location doesn't work for me long-term because of this bug: And I can't put trees in my household inventory, as someone suggested above, because of this bug: 🤷🏽‍♀️

    I've lost hope that gardening will ever not be bugged in some way.