Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] [S] Can't tend to plants that are out of season despite requiring

@sheridanhoughton fabulous suggestion.  Using the birds and rabbits and/or the sheep and goats definitely helps.  In my market farming game it saved my sims so much time. Unfortunately, I still occasionally need the cheat option to control the weeds bug especially if there are visitors helping in the garden - and it seems to be that the bigger the garden, the more prevalent the problem.  At least that is my experience when I compare my game saves from the basic 2 crops (lettuce and tomatoes) save to the extensive gardens - especially in the farming save where I had a huge market garden with a co-op gardening club.  My 2crop save is my loner-neat-paranoid-perfectionist-loyal-overachiever simself which is as close as I can achieve given that there is only a brief hint at disability in the “inclusive” “play with life” Sims 4 - my Newcrest sim-home has off-the-grid and simple living lot traits and is a micro home and there are lots of animals for company - very much my current reclusive lifestyle although my rl visiting animals are wallabies and emus… be nice to have a Sim-first with an Aussie expansion with environmental issues like introduced animals(rabbits, foxes, cane toads and domestic animals…), indigenous plants and animals, local icons….

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