Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] [S] Can't tend to plants that are out of season despite requiring

Why is the me too option grayed out?

Moving plants to a sheltered location works but its kind of tireing building a greenhouse especially if you are playing multiple houses and kind of takes the whole seasons aspect out of the game.

It also does not resolve other bugs like the weeding loop which i encountered. I hope a fix is in progress

5 Replies

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  • This is not a your SIM, it means that the player needs to pull weeds regularly.

    You enable cheat mode. And, With a mouse. click! click!🙌

    We feel that the gardening skills of the me improving!🙌


    (because I don't even take care of my garden in real life!😉)

  • OzSimsFamily's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    9 months ago

    @Aceeee82   If you have a medium or tall wall height, you can just drag the roof further out the side or back of the house and support with columns.  Then move your plants under this covered area and they are then sheltered.  No need to build greenhouses unless you want to.  Use the testing cheats shift click for the weeds bug.  This is my way of dealing with the gardening issues until the bugs are fixed.  Only then will I possibly get back into gardening fully.

  • Aceeee82's avatar
    9 months ago

    @OzSimsFamily I'm a very asthetic person. I won't make my house ugly. A beautiful greenhouse is better then a roof on colomns. As for the weeds, the cheat doesn't work as the weeds come back. I just put them in inventory when off season.

    I've sent my save to EA. hope they will fix this soon.

  • crinrict's avatar
    9 months ago

    Begone weeds! Plants won't grow weeds when Out of Season. If a plant has them when it becomes Out of Season, the weeds will be removed until it’s In Season again.

    Fixed in Patch 1.107.112/1.92

    Please create a new thread if you're still experiencing this issue,