Re: [FIXED] Sim keeps getting 'Change phone color' action
Not sure if it will be permanent or not, but I managed to at least temporarily get my sims to stop changing the stupid color every time they travel. I just opened the phone back up and changed the color to the first one in the upper left, and it seems to have stopped that crap. I'm hoping it is permanent, and won't glitch again unless I'm a complete idiot and try changing my phone color again. Of course this doesn't fix the issue itself, just stops the annoyances that result from it, but if it helps anyone else I figured I'd at least mention it.
Oh, hey, EA. Um.... your game is really broken. Do you think you could fix it? If not, you think you could fix my computer so that I can at least play my old outdated version that doesn't have all these issues? Sure that old outdated version has its issues as well, but at least it's playable.