Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] Sims Obsessed with Workbench

also more than one sim can use it, I'll tell Bob to make a sculpture cancel it before finished and get him to shower for example, But then Eliza will go and make her own sculpture over Bob's. Later Bob can finish his.  Now I don't mind this glitch, except when a neighbour then uses it over one or both of theirs, when delete object the whole lot goes.

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  • ja420's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    9 years ago

    I've got this too, Crin.  It appears it will happen with modded and unmodded games. My sims are totally obsessed with the workbench and it seems it occurred after the first patch after City Living was installed.  Also, they jump to the T-position a lot.

  • alanmichael1's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    9 years ago

    I 100 % confirm this bug. I have a workbench in my apartment and my sims use nothing else. The same thing occurs with athletic sims and basketball.