Forum Discussion
13 Replies
Didn't even notice this thread before creating mine. So glad to reconfirm that it isn't just my console. Heck, it isn't even just one brand! Both PS4 and Xbox are dealing with this. Really hope they can work out a fix is a ton of fun but this bums me out.
If it helps, it feels like it's just getting worse every day. When I tried to play an hour ago, even my tiny lot with 1 sim was freezing like CRAZY. There's no way that's normal.
Another video. One sim on a tiny lot. If we could at least hear from a dev that this is not the expected behavior and would be looked at, I'd feel a lot better having spent over $250 on the game.
- SimGuruIcarus7 years ago
EA Staff (Retired)
Hello everyone
I just wanted to let you know that we are currently investigating this issue. We will get back at you if we need more information.
Thank you very much for your reports.
Thank you, @SimGuruIcarus. I personally will be happy to help in any way possible. I just want to see the game running well again, and will assist in any way possible to make that a reality.
As a thought: maybe changing bloom settings has introduced unintended performance issues?
May the Sim gods have mercy on my game. This by far takes the cake for worst performance yet. Tagging @SimGuruIcarus for reference.
- @Sygnus2112 That is absolutely unacceptable. And it looks like they've gone radio silent on the matter on Twitter. Scary to think the game may never be properly playable again.
Little update to the situation: Jungle Adventure lots are nearly unplayable due to framerate lag. Devs are still radio silent on the matter.
New patch today...mentions nothing in the notes about framerate or performance issues. What an absolute shame.
Well, as someone who has spent hundreds on the PS4 version of the game, I'm not letting this issue die. I have been reporting this to them since January, giving them video evidence, and at one point gave them a save file. Have heard NOTHING in the way of it even attempting to be fixed.
Have given them gamesaves, videos, examples, and more. This has got to be the easiest to reproduce issue of all: the devs can just boot up their PS4 and watch the slideshow.
In on ps4 with city living, get together, seasons, cats and dogs, get to work, outdoor retreat, spa day, dine out, vampires, parenthood, jungle adventure, cool kitchen, spooky stuff, romantic garden, vintage glamour.
Been heavily experiencing this issue, with a 2 or 3 sim household it's ridiculous, and seems to be waaayyyyy worse during winter. Holding a club gathering or a party is practically a mass staring contest for 75% of the time passage. I cannot even imagine having a full household.... Recent patch claimed to have had various fixes for console lag, but I'd swear it's worse. This in addition to several very problematic glitches (unbreakables breaking, doctor surgical work emergencies fubar, restaurant patron free for all chaos, etc etc) has basically turned this into sim trailer park, because anything more than 1 sim in a box sustaining themselves is just a lag ridden choppy mess that's honestly worse than any mmorpg bank Iv been at. That's baaaad. I understand that games have issues, but seriously, 4 years in those issues should be minor and nowhere near as numerous. Definitely should not be having to deal with a sim tar pit and having huge amounts of stated gameplay all but unplayable.... It's very quickly driving me away from playing it at all, let alone ever spending another cent on it.
Apologies for intruding on a console thread, but this is the thread that EA has earmarked for their basegame update. Experiencing all the issues described by Console players, but I'm using a PC. I own nearly all the EA content to extend the Base game. I was using custom content, but followed the instructions I saw in a different thread to remove my game folder under Documents and restart the game to create a new folder. This series of steps did nothing to fix the lag and freezing. I ran dxdiag and it reported no problems with any of my system components, storage, or memory. Windows 11 64-bit. Alienware Area-51 R7, AMD Ryzen Threadripper2920X processor, 32 MB Ram, Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 graphics card. Game totally unplayable for all the reasons so thoroughly documented by console players.
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