Re: [NEEDS INPUT] [DU] UI gets corrupted on re-enrolling
Thank you so much for your help, I hope this can be fixed.
Here's a workaround I've found: I Shift+Clicked my sim and used the university debug menu to "enroll." Amazingly every other degree at Britechester said I needed to complete 9 more classes to graduate, except for History which said I needed 6. Anyway, I just reenrolled in 4 core classes and it certainly ironed out a lot of kinks! It made his Class UI thing go back to normal (other than the fact it says he has done 6 classes already despite having no GPA) AND it didn't even overwrite the progress I had made while he was glitched! I can even use the presentation boards! I honestly feel like he will break all over again when I save and exit, and he's definitely overall corrupted when it comes to university (unless you're supposed to need to complete less classes when you take a second degree?) but I'm glad this semi-worked, I should have tried it earlier haha.
EDIT: NVM it restarts the course so unless I finish the semester in one sitting without so much as going to manage worlds (which breaks it) there's going to be a problem. The scholarships are starting to stack too so now he gains money when he enrolls.