Re: [NEEDS SAVES] [CD] Pets don't eat from full bowls (Patch 1.69)
I've got this now too on Xbox series S since the last update September 2021. I've got a cat and dog, both rescues, fed each morning by the sim calling them to bowls. The cat often won't finish her food and has to be told again. In the middle of the night the pets both become starving even with automated bowls full of food set on 3 hour refills. Today I got an exclamation point pop up on the dog's picture and a message saying "your pet needs you" then a notification she might be taken away.
The dog's mood drops really rapidly and every 2 days she tries to run away, but the gate is locked to prevent her getting out. The cat gets moody and starving too but they have food, treats, attention. There are issues with them unable to go potty too without being told and having indoor accidents but I'm looking for another open thread on that.
I'm switching Sims after this mess to see if it continues with a new household.