Forum Discussion
5 Replies
Wow! I found out something new.
Their family relationships changed after the Plan Outfit interaction.
If you cancel the Plan Outfit menu, no problem will occur.
The problem occurs when you press the play button in the Plan Outfit menu.
They are a couple. However, they became brothers.
The person who used the Plan Outfit menu does not change.
The person who did not use the Plan Outfit menu turned into a brother.
This family relationship appears as a couple in the CAS window.
However, the profile states that they are brothers.
Even if you move a family to a new file, the same problem occurs because you place it by pressing the play button in the CAS window.
I don't know why this problem occurs.
Is the family tree the problem?
- @milkyowl Merging this with the current bug report then. Please send your save to EA (if you have a before save and it happens repeating on that save, with those steps, that's even better.
I read all the related bug reports until late last night.
I was disappointed to learn that the first report of this bug was in 2019.
This bug has not been resolved for several years.
There is speculation that CC may be the problem, but I have never used CC at all.
All I used was the appearance cheat.
Anyway, after a few tries, I figured out how to avoid this bug.
However, the family tree that was already broken could not be repaired.
And I guessed under what circumstances the bug would occur.
I'm uploading my game situation in the hope that it can help fix the bug. member
- A(Female, second generation, B's wife, both parents present in the family tree.)
- B(Male, random NPC sim, A's husband, no parents in family tree. Used Appearance Cheat.)
- child 1(A's nephew, Adopted as B's child. A and B appear as parents in the family tree.)
- child 2(A's nephew, Adopted as B's child. A and B appear as parents in the family tree.)
- infant1(A's nephew, with out B's family tree )
- infant2(A and B's children)
2. Situation before bug occurrence
- A family of five was living together in one house. This is before A and B’s children are born.
- At this point Two children when used Plan outfits and no bugs occurred.
- B adopted A's two nephew.
- A is pregnant.
- A gave birth to a baby.
3. Things I checked after the bug occurred
- After A gave birth to her baby, she used the plan outfits menu.
- The family tree is broken. A and B are a married couple, but at the same time they are sibling.
- I confirmed that using CAS caused a bug.
- Since bugs occur when using CAS, creating a new file does not solve the problem.
- Even if I use the Manage Worlds menu and place it in a new file, the problem remains. When saving the family to the library, it is obviously normal, but when placing it, an error occurs. On their profiles, they are recorded as siblings and lovers. In CAS, their relationship is recorded as a married couple. It's a complete mess.
- Bugs do not occur when you normally move to new house from an existing file.
- Bugs do not occur when moving to new house from an existing file using the Manage Worlds menu.
4. How to avoid bugs
- This method should be tried after you realize that a bug is occurring and before your family tree is ruined.
- Choose one of the husband and wife and send them to another house.
- The sim you send must be a random sim without family tree. For example, in my case, I have to move B, not A. This is because bugs occur when random Sims use CAS with their families.
- After move out B, CAS is using when there are no random sims among family members.
- Bring a random sim(Wife or husband) back home.
- This way their relationship will not change.
- However, even if alone ramdom sim, should not use CAS. Random Sims cause relationship bugs even when using CAS own alone.
- Through this process, I learned that random NPC as spouses cause bugs. Sadly, random NPC Sims cannot have new outfits throughout their lives. But, only this way is protect lover relationship.
5. What is assumed to affect the occurrence of bugs- Random NPC sims family tree. B has no parents, but he recognizes his wife, A's parents, as his parents.
- I tried to add the parents to B's family tree but failed. cheats not working.
- Other bug reports said that cloning using science and magic seemed to be the cause of the bug, but I have never used it.
- Another bug report said that this bug occurs in same-sex couples, but this was not the case in my case.
- I agree with the opinion that this bug occurs between second generation sims with parents and sims without parents.
- I guess is that A's pregnancy and birth baby had no effect on the family tree error. This is because the same bug occurred in other save files When A is in the third trimester of pregnancy.
- I'm not sure if the bug occurred after B adopted A's nephew. This is because B did not use CAS immediately after adopting the child.
- B adopted a child, A gave birth, and there was an update 20240306. Afterwards, I noticed that a bug had occurred. I don't know which of the three influenced it.
- What is certain is that Random NPC Sims are the problem. It seems that the NPC whose parents are identified in the family tree may be different. This part needs to be confirmed.
6. Actions to take next
- When the currently playing generation needs to change outfits, they send B to another house.
- B does not use CAS on his own or receive clothing recommendations from a Sim with a stylist job. To prevent the use of CAS.
- When the next generation gets married, they will not marry a Random NPC Sim. Sims will marry a sim who has both parents in their family tree.
* I think I found the issue in my game * - The problem shows up AFTER I adopt a kid.
After going into CAS my married couple becomes siblings. I tried the fix of adding parents but I see that as soon as I get into CAS one of the Sim has already been tagged as an uncle of one of the children (therefore a sibling of his wife). And adding a parent does nothing the issue is still there.
What I would like to add is that since I reverted to older saves, before I adopted the children from my existing family there is no bug. I explain:
- I have a Women single mother of a baby child plus 2 children who are her nephews.
- That Women married a Men from another household created in the save ( not a NPC created by the game ) - the baby is not his
- After I married them I can go in and out of CAS with no issue. ( between them there is no child in the family tree)
- After I adopt one of the kids (through the male Sim, the option doesn´t show up with their aunt) and go into CAS, that's when the family tree gets messed up.
I tested all of this without mods, but I had mods at some point in the save. I removed them to make all the tests. I'm going to continue to play without adopting any of the nephews or the baby child to see if bug shows up again.
- EA_Cade10 months ago
Community Manager
Hello All,
If any of you are still encountering this on the latest game version (without mods), would you be willing to share your save file(s)?If so, please send me a private message with a link to the file.
Instructions here:
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