Forum Discussion

Re: [NEEDS SAVES] Partnered Sims turn into siblings/family relationships

So I logged into my game this morning and noticed the only romantic option between my married sims was physical intimacy > offer massage

I thought maybe it was to do with the new lovestruck pack - so I opened up their relationship pannel and suddenly they have a sister sentiment/relationship?!

I unstalled my mods, relaunched the game, and it was still there. I tried deleting the 'father' sim - didn't work.

I had to divorce my sims because it was grossing me out so badly and I'm super sad because I loved those sims together ☹️

I KNOW my sims aren't related because one is from my long-time legacy and the other I made in CAS without any parents and just a sibling. and even if they were (they are NOT), the romance wouldn't have worked in the first place.

Please advise as to how I can fix this!