Forum Discussion

Re: [NEEDS SAVES] Sim becomes Pregnant without me doing anything

I am having this exact same issue. The first time it happened, I thought that maybe I accidentally clicked "try for baby". But the second time it happened; I knew better! Hopefully (even though I doubt it), there will be some sort of update at some point so that this doesn't happen anymore. :/

2 Replies

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  • It is now September, and I just ran into this error as well. My two sims had 2 babies (through me telling them to), but my girl came home from work knocked up...and they haven't woohooed since conceiving their 2nd child. I don't understand what's happening or how to get rid of it. I do have mods in my game, but have never had this issues until now, and they are all up to date.

  • Just happened to me too. My single guy suddenly has a daughter after playing with a different household for a few days. Time to download some mods to delete this sim. Really upset over this as I really feel this messed up my story for the character. And I have neighbourhood stories turned off for him so I am really confused how that could have happened. I definitely havent 'tried for a baby'.