Forum Discussion

3 Replies

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  • candiecoatediv's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    3 years ago

    I just had a sim that I do not play with anymore and is she in my other household which I do have neighborhood stories enabled. I popped in to set up my neighborhood and she is pregnant. Has no romantic relationships and doesn’t know anyone outside of her family. I do not have any gameplay mods installed. 

  • menatombo's avatar
    3 years ago
    Same here. I hate this bug. Some of my friends don't have this happen and some do. It's been happening in my neighborhoods now and I hate it! I like to know if two sims are having kids! NOW, my female (and males that can be pregnant) just randomly become preggers and have babies without any help! It's like some imaculate conception! I look to see who the "father" is and there isn't one!! Just the sim with a link to the baby,.. WTF, EA?