Forum Discussion

Re: [NEEDS SAVES] Sim becomes Pregnant without me doing anything

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Often (50% - 99%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All Expansion Packs, All Gamplay Packs but Batuu and Dine out , Tiny Living, Vintage Glamour, Backyard Stuff, My First Pet Stuff, Perfect Patio Stuff , Toddler Stuff, Bowling Night, Romantic Garden Stuff, Spooky Stuff, Luxury Party Stuff, Throwback Kit, Carneval Streetwear Kit, Fashion Street Kit.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Have two married female Sims , who are both set on 'get pregnant' and play with them. ( One of mine is a werewolf one isn't).
What happens when the bug occurs? My female Sims who can't get pregnant with eachother, get pregnant witheachother.
What do you expect to see? Them not getting pregnangt ramdomly, when its not even possible.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Never used.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. It started happening after Update 08/30/2022.

My female Sims keep getting pregnant with eachothers babys, even though they can't. I now have 3 kids and one on the way. the first time it happened i was in the world making over townies ( neighborhood stories off), came back to them both were pregnant with eachothers babys. Now it happend again. Followed teenage Sim to school came back home to mom pregant in the first trimester. Mom knows no Sims that could inpregnante her. She only knows family or teens and all kids Show up as hers and her wifes. and it just keeps happening. This is the first time this happened to me with a family it activley played. I've seen it habben in same sex family with neighboorhood stories on that i didn't play with. this happening in an active family was after the last update , this happening to townies was after the introduction of neighboorhood stories.

6 Replies

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  • crinrict's avatar
    3 years ago
    @MaPaLoLiBa did you get any phone calls of her asking if she should get pregnant ?

    To be sure, you never switched household. the family was active all the time ?
  • @crinrictI didn't get any phonecalls. The neighbourhood stories were off. I did switch households to give them a makeover, but again no calls or anything. That family is the only one i do gameplay with the rest i just go in and give new outfits. I don't even build in that save. It also keeps happening, I'm on baby number 5 now. Anytime i go of the lot to tavel or go into the world i can happen.

    Thank you for replying.

    Happy Gaming.


  • @crinrict This is the first time this happened. So yeah i guess just with this same gendered couple, without me initiating anything. there also both set on 'can get pregnant'. So technically they shouldn't even be able to impregnante eachother. The thing with the save is i have continued playing and one of them has passed away now so it's currently not able to happen anymore. I don't know how useful the save is in that case.

    Happy gaming


  • @crinrictsadly no. Sorry i didn't think about it. If it happens again I'll make sure to have a backup and upload it. Thank You for all your help and advice.

    Happy Gaming


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