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  • Both grew orange. I used to grow whites but the last few were orange.

  • I planted them with the seeds I got to perform the task or on other Agatha errands. Basically I used up all the seeds I was given. Used some fertilizers, too. First time it grew largest but couldn't give it away. Second time I grew extra ones, this time medium - none could be delivered. Then I tried purchasing a pumpkin - nope also. I even tried gifting her a pumpkin I grew but she just accepted and that was it. All of this was done and when I had to deliver a homegrown pumpkin to Agnes there was no issue at all - actually, no issue with other errands either.

  • I am not sure if anyone is still reading this thread, but it seems like you need to harvest small orange pumpkins.  Interestingly, I did this task twice.  The first time, I grew a large white pumpkin and harvested it, but it did not move the task forward.  So, I tried again and grew a large green pumpkin and it still did not move the task forward, so I got upset and deleted the task.  I accepted the task again later and decided to grow medium pumpkins, which were green and also did not move the task forward.  I then decided to plant 6 pumpkin seed with the intent of growing 2 large, 2 medium, and 2 small sets of pumpkins.  I fertilized one of each type, but left the other ones alone.  Once all of the pumpkins were ready, I harvested the small orange unfertilized pumpkins first and it moved the task forward telling me to give Agnes the pumpkin.  Ironically, I gave her a small green pumpkin, and she accepted that even though harvesting the orange small unfertilized pumpkin is what moved the task forward.