Re: [OPEN] [DU] Sim doesn't go to soccer/esports practice unless at dorms
I had something similar happen the first time I had my sim go to class. They're a single parent so they can't live on campus (even though at THAT point they were a single parent of a cat and not pregnant), but I figured that I could explore campus and do what I could while not actually living there. Well, my sim is a spellcaster with "Always Transportalate" on, so they decided to autonomously teleport to the furthest corner of the map to spawn a random laptop on a picnic table. Once class started, they pulled out their books and walked as slow as possible to the furthest exit point on the map (no teleport THEN pull the books out) then I was teleported to my HOME lot, then the books got whipped out again and off to class I went... just to come back home because I had completely missed it. I've been afraid to leave my home lot on class days because of that and feel like I'm missing out on a lot of game play.
TLDR; I've had the same thing happen when going for classes when not living on campus.
I think I figured something out, maybe.
I took a chance and had my sim, who now had an athletic scholarship, go to the UBrite Commons on Friday for the game (as they're currently a UBrite member). As soon as the game started, they were transported back to their home lot and halfway through the game they "left early" and the game never completed. Did it again on Saturday and had no issue, the game with fine and they even won.
Tried that again for the second term, same thing. Saved before the game started on Friday and was transported from the UBright Commons back to their home lot, leaving the game early and unfinished. Reloaded a couple times, then tried over at the other campus. No issue. Game seems to be going fine, it's paused currently but without being forced back to the home-lot first, here are my suspicions:
For the games, you have to be at the right Campus Commons in order to not be forced back to the home-lot. I.E. on Fridays E-Sports are at the UBrite Arena while the soccer games are at the other one; then switched on Saturday.
This should be the same for classes, or at least the issue I had earlier, as when I was transported back to my home-lot for the first class I tried, I was hanging out in the Library lot in between both campuses. Theoretically, I should be fine if I hang out at the Commons between classes. Perhaps next term I'll test my theory out; although, I am currently caring for a toddler and a newborn, so maybe next degree.
(Posts merged by CM)