Forum Discussion

Re: [OPEN] Weight slider all stuck on same level on aging

Can confirm this is happening in my game, too. I think it started after the April 2019 patch(es). My legacy family didn't have this issue with chubby toddlers prior to the generations born after the April patch. Vanilla base game, RG, Holiday freebie pack and Grim's guitar; no cc or mods, never used. 

I have had 5 girls in 2 generations, all naturally born to their parents, and all aged from baby to toddlers at maximum weight. Some were aged with cakes and some just aged by the game. I finally forced a boy to see what would happen and sure enough, he was at a normal weight. In all cases that I have aged the girls since, this excessive weight has carried through from toddler, child, teenager and young adult. 

Two girls were born to parents who had both maxed Fitness skill; Father completed Bodybuilder aspiration. Their older brother was born slim as I would have expected. As toddlers, the boy and one of the girls got to level 4 on movement; the other girl only got to level 3 on movement. Aging to child, the boy was average/slim, both girls were chubby. As children, all three completed the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration, which maxed their Movement skills and gave the trait "Physically Gifted". Both girls aged to teen at max weight; the boy was average/slim. It has now carried into adulthood.

Three girls and one boy in the next generation were born to a mother who was average build but only had level 1 - 4 Fitness skill, and a father who maxed Fitness and completed the Bodybuilder aspiration (this is actually the son from the previous generation). All 3 girls aged to chubby toddlers; the son just aged to toddler and he is a slim little guy. All the girls aged to chubby children and the one that is now a teen is still at the top of the weight scale, despite being Physically Gifted from completing the childhood aspiration. The youngest girl had the Wild trait, maxed the Motor skill as a toddler, and still aged into a chubby child. When that happened, I went looking for reports and found this bug report. I wanted to test with a boy before posting my results.

The only other variables that I can think of have to do with the way I play toddlers now. I've been having them eat apples on waking a lot, and sometimes have an adult grab a serving from the family meal instead of going to the high chair and using the food selection from there. But that would not affect the weight on aging from baby to toddler. Something definitely changed with weight determination from infant to toddler.

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  • AnneSims34's avatar
    New Scout
    6 years ago

    So the glitch started happening for you in a family you were already playing with? I've been curious if it would happen in one of my old saves but I was nervous about checking. 

  • BlackjackWidow's avatar
    Hero (Retired)
    6 years ago

    Hi @AnneSims34 - Yes, it happened for me in an existing save, but only with new babies. The existing toddlers / children did not suddenly become overweight, if that's what you're worried about. You can always double-check a save for a bug and exit to the main menu without saving if you find a bug.

    In my save, the weight and muscle sliders will appropriately slim down if I have them eat low-calorie foods and exercise. It takes some time, for sure, but it all seems to be working correctly from that standpoint. I also slimmed one down manually in CAS as a teen, as a young adult she seems to be thinning down a lot faster compared to the other ones. 

    You can always do a "save as" and play your older saves for a bit to see if you want to risk it.