Forum Discussion
4 Replies
- crinrict6 years agoHero+Is it for males and females or just females ?
There's currently this issue: So sorry - I missed the notification and thought this hadn't been answered.
Females only. Aging up from children to teenagers. I checked CAS and the weight slider is probably at 95% for each one.
They were perfectly average-looking children and toddlers but all have been large teens. Seems more than chance?- crinrict6 years agoHero+
I moved your post over to the newer thread then.
I also had this problem. I was testing an Vampire/Mermaid combination (Dad Vampire and Mom Mermaid) . They had a daughter. I didn't notice if she was a chubby toddler or not, since I aged her within a few Sim hours to a child because I wanted her to age to teen quickly to determine how badly a Vampire/Mermaid hybrid will be glitched. Upon aging up to a school-aged child, she was heavy! Her parents are very trim and muscular, and she only age one meal as a toddler before I aged her. Now I want to get her a brother to see if he's a regular weight or not. 🤨
Update to add that I have all the packs and have never used Mods or CC. I play on a PC. 😉
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