Forum Discussion

Re: [OPEN] Weight slider all stuck on same level on aging

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? city living, discover university, eco lifestyle, get famous, get to work, island living, seasons, parenthood, toddler stuff
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? 1. have a sim birth a female sim 2. age up the sim 3. see if the female sim is overweight 4. check to see if the sim stays overweight through all age ups
What happens when the bug occurs? While doing the 100 baby challenge, all my female children are overweight, the bar is usually at the highest level, while the male children all have different weights. The female children are overweight every single time, even when I feed them healthy food when they are a toddler, they age up to become an overweight child. When i make the child increase their motor skill and have them play on the monkey bars and do sports, they still age up to become an overweight teen. This only happens to the female children. When ageing up my female sims at all age stages, all of them are overweight, even though both parents are not, they eat healthy, exercise etc.
What do you expect to see? Different varieties of body types and figures, similar to what happens to all my male children.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Never used.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure 

The female children are overweight every single time, even when I feed them healthy food when they are a toddler, they age up to become an overweight child. When i make the child increase their motor skill and have them play on the monkey bars and do sports, they still age up to become an overweight teen. This only happens to the female children.

3 Replies

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  • xochiquetzl_xkvn's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    4 years ago

    The only female Sim I've ever had age up from child to teen and not be overweight was obsessed with the jungle gym and monkey bars and played on them to the exclusion of eating, sleeping, or peeing unless I intervened. (She lived on a 64x64 lot and therefore had her own pirate ship jungle gym, along with monkey bars and a swing set that made her nauseated and she used it anyway.)  Every other female child?  Adorable, normal-ish if slightly pudgy looking but the fat bar maxed aging up to a shockingly overweight teen.  I've taken to spending some of those childhood aspiration points on Insta-Lean at teen age-up as the first action after blowing out the candles. 

    Kid exercise options aren't very good and girls seem to get the brunt of it.  I've had several get the "My How You've Changed" trophy. 

    Some of them live on a lot with a jungle gym next door, but with autonomy on they only seem to play with objects on their actual lot, which is another topic. 

  • Psychotps's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    4 years ago

    I've noticed this bug too. I use the MCCC command to check the weight numbers and ALL females always spawn with a weight > +40.  Not once Have I seen a female from -100 to 0 or 0 to +40. They're always +40 to +100.

    It seems the game thinks all women should be overweight.

  • SheriGR's avatar
    4 years ago

    @Psychotps Weird!! Funny thing is that in I've also never noticed a weight issue for the child once I 'thin them down' after the age-up with exercise or via the 'ice cream' method (make “Taste of Diet” ice cream & eat 2-3 servings of this ice cream), so to me they don't seem to have it as a 'disposition', but just a condition. 

    Have you checked if it makes a difference if the toddler was born in-game, per @MapleSimmer's comment? In my households I think they all were born in-game, so that's a factor/difference that would be off my radar.