Forum Discussion

Re: [WORKAROUND] Vampires won't turn sim after calling them to offer their gift


Yes, I mentioned that I have the same problem that you have, with the offer to give the gift and the offer loop and never getting turned. I'm saying that on my end the bug is being caused by Caleb not having enough energy to turn.

Either Caleb needs to be able to do Dark Enegry autonomously so that he's not completely exhausted all the time (that would be great) or the game needs to override his exhaustion so that he can turn when he makes the offer (neither of which players can do without an official patch or mod). He also somtimes can't turn my sim when asked at random, he's been more exhausted than ever.

I agree, it is a bug. The workaround for me it to play Caleb if I need to fix his energy, and then have him offer to turn (I can also play my sim and ask him.) This make things at lot less fun, though.

7 Replies

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  • Thanks for the input on "Accepted solution," now let's hope EA gets to an *actual* solution.

  • Nekoboy69's avatar
    New Hotshot
    7 years ago

    I noticed that Caleb is always in his dark form, which probably is why he is exhausted. He is one of my favorite NPC sims. (He is both cute and sexy at the same time). But in my latest gameplay, my sim married him and when I played him to make him ask for a drink, I noticed the menu said "Hide dark form". (My game is in Swedish)

  • I have the same problem. But Lilith's dark energy was actually full when I switched to her household. So maybe it isn't a problem with dark energy level?

  • Sorry if this is a bump, but...I have yet to get a call from Caleb (or any vampire) in my main save to that effect (I did get a call in a test save, but I clicked "Cancel"...did I disable that whole thing in my game install doing that?), but finding this topic browsing the issues...thanks for the heads up and the info! (It may not affect me, however, since I plan on saying "No" if/when I get there as part of the story I'm telling with a certain Sim in my game right now. X-D)

    @Nekoboy69 : I realize your post is old, but Caleb looks the same in both normal and Dark Form by default, just so you know. <3 😉 (Also, I don't have that thing with him or any vampire being in Dark Form all the time in my game.)

    EDIT: If this post is inappropriate for this topic, my apologies. 😳

  • Nekoboy69's avatar
    New Hotshot
    6 years ago
    @StarryMight I think there is a very small change in his dark form if I remember correctly. Haven't played anything involving him in a while (I have my eyes on someone more "magical" 😉 atm. hehe
  • @Nekoboy69: Oh? I haven't noticed, but since I'm doing a test save right now and haven't changed him at all in it, I'll take a look. (EDIT: Just checked him in CAS a little bit ago...and he looks exactly the same to me in both forms, as far as I can tell.)

    Anyhow, back on (old?) topic from here on out!