Re: [WORKAROUND] Vampires won't turn sim after calling them to offer their gift
Yes, I mentioned that I have the same problem that you have, with the offer to give the gift and the offer loop and never getting turned. I'm saying that on my end the bug is being caused by Caleb not having enough energy to turn.
Either Caleb needs to be able to do Dark Enegry autonomously so that he's not completely exhausted all the time (that would be great) or the game needs to override his exhaustion so that he can turn when he makes the offer (neither of which players can do without an official patch or mod). He also somtimes can't turn my sim when asked at random, he's been more exhausted than ever.
I agree, it is a bug. The workaround for me it to play Caleb if I need to fix his energy, and then have him offer to turn (I can also play my sim and ask him.) This make things at lot less fun, though.