Forum Discussion

Anonymous's avatar
11 years ago

The game keeps insisting a sim is modded even though there's no CC on him

I've been removing the CC from some of my sims and uploading them without, partially because the CC sims are basically invisible in the gallery now, but more because they belonged to larger sets and I wanted to upload them individually anyhow.

First, I moved the mods folder to make this easier.

But one of my sims is displaying as "modded" no matter what I do. At one point I got frustrated and removed pretty much everything from him (clicking X on every category I could). My naked, bald sim was creepy, but the game is still saying he has CC on him...

I even downloaded to check, and this program also says there's no CC on him.

Thanks in advance!

  • I think the game/gallery still has issues with Sims cloned from existing Sims. Some info just doesn't get removed when it should.

    Not sure what to tell you. 

    Did you try asking in the cc forum over at the official forum ? Maybe someone there has similar experiences and can help better with this.

7 Replies

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  • Did you delete the household with CC from your library and the gallery and then re-shared ?

  • Anonymous's avatar
    11 years ago

    I can't do that. I still want to keep the household with the CC for my own personal use at least a little longer. Furthermore... he's in about 3 or 4 households.

    The other two sims from that household display without CC normally (profile bug on one of them notwithstanding). The problematic sim is uploaded as "Axel (Kingdom Hearts)" on the gallery.

  • crinrict's avatar
    11 years ago

    I think the game/gallery still has issues with Sims cloned from existing Sims. Some info just doesn't get removed when it should.

    Not sure what to tell you. 

    Did you try asking in the cc forum over at the official forum ? Maybe someone there has similar experiences and can help better with this.

  • Anonymous's avatar
    11 years ago

    It seems to be working today...

    I didn't do anything though. Odd.

    Anyway, thanks for the help!

  • Anonymous's avatar
    11 years ago

    I've had this happen to me twice now so I know it's not some fluke or glitch. It is either a bug or intended this way.

    I like to save my Sim in various stages of game play so I can revert to them if the game becomes corrupt. I have a Sim who has completed 4 aspirations and is highly skilled. I saved her to my bin because I was getting ready to give her an elder mother and wanted to save her before the new Sim was introduced, in case I changed my mind.

    The file is marked as modded.

    That means I have to go online and enable gallery, turn on the CC filter, just to get my Sim that has ZERO CC.

    They need to fix this.

    CC should mean CC and not a skilled Sim.

    I suspect this may be intended and the thought process it that since the Sim is not straight vanilla out of CAS but has skills that she should be tagged as such.  That's fine; however, the current system makes it look like the Sim has CC when it doesn't.

    Furthermore, I can't access her unless I go online.  Please either fix this bug or change it so skilled Sims are not marked as having CC.

  • Anonymous's avatar
    11 years ago

    Do you have ANY mods or cc in the game? I uploaded lots and they were marked as modded, just bc I was running mods. I did not use any cc in the house. I pulled out my mods folder, reuploaded the lot and it was normal.