O my WOW Cath!! Where do I start?!? I think this my favorite build from u so far <3
-This house has a great floor plan
-The outdoor seating area w/the couches & fireplace looks so nice!
-The outdoor bbq area is 2 die 4...I'd LOVE 2 have a place 2 entertain like that in RL
-What a CUTE idea w/the pirate ship play area...lovin' the blue tile floor & the turtle decals
-The water feature & the raised "hot tub" looking area is so sleek...gorgeous! *jaw dropping*
-NEAT idea making a china hutch type structure in the kitchen/dining area
-& I dig that built in bar area...very neat
-Great use of the browns in the bedroom the pictures/curtains & furniture all look so nice together
-Nice use of MOO in that bathroom w/the corner bath & the towels
-Nice lookin' gym..I like the alternating color on the walls
-I think that those guitars above the bed look so cool there...what a neat idea
-I love how the girls bed is tucked away behind a curtain! & the desk area u created there is really sharp lookin'
-Neat colors & set up in the boys room....I struggle w/boy's rooms...but u nailed it!
-Such a nice job w/the bathroom...the turtle decals tie in everything else in that room together!
SO yeah...I'll quit ha ha...NICE NICE house Cath!!! ;) FAVE 4 sure!