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Reddestiny921's avatar
6 years ago

100 babies cause why not

Now before we start I'm tossing out most of the challenge, as having a hundred babies is enough for me but I also think a sim used for this isn't really going to care about their child's wellbeing, or at least not all of them. So if you don't mind that I hope you like my random nonsense I'll post...randomly.

Also for the first post I don't think I'll use spoilers but just in case people come back I'll use them for the rest of however long this goes on I imagine it'll be cheesy and silly so...yeah.
At first glance Makayla looks fairly innocent I havent seen one of my sims take this pic before so yeah, but she grew tired of innocent before she was speaking in complete sentences at least that's what she says. Oh oh and before I go on @AlwaysAsking because I'm using another one of your builds, her house I just keep putting negative things in your houses uh I'll stop that. Also I'll be using Don here too I just don't know how.
For her first day I went over and selected a few guys..I think 13 of them that I'm hoping to use more than once we'll see how time goes I am playing on long but you never know what bugs you'll get with a save that is made mostly to grow. I had her roaming around to meet at least one of them she flirted with a mermaid in the gym but I let him go as he wasn't a prepared target. After an iced coffee I let her go to the bar, and then Akira shows up.

"You know I don't usually do this, but I saw you from the window and had to come say hi."

Conveniently he was bored so when she used beguile he was an easy catch.

"I'm glad you did <3 "
I don't know if something is wrong with the bushes but she couldn't take a test after the first logically she had to make the most of day one and visit his place, where she met his cat Peanut. With a success under her belt I sent the now expecting Makayla back home and moved on.
I was taking this pic for his wall but the area should look familiar...maybe he seems kind of popular here at random, Johnny Zest is a hopeful target, his dog is named Shiloh isn't she adorable?

"I'm never going to catch a I girl?"

She can only snort at you dogs snort? We'll say this one does.
Our next hopeful is a little more obvious, Vlad has always loved tormenting sims when he saw fit, as he doesn't have any neighbors to please who really cares. Though somewhere along the line it grew dull, adopting a couple pets...Zoey (the dog) and Viola easy but then as skilled as they are at listening even he isn't going to get one of them to talk back. He doesn't regret his ways he just never thought he'd get lonely and be unsure how to fix it. Just how do you talk to other sims?
A close up of Zoey cause...she's cute..moving on
Ted might get used...he just found out he's having a child with his wife but he's still as off as he's always been what with the air around his home and such, he might just appreciate another woman smiling at him during his next mood swing.
Now this is Paka'a I think is how his name is spelled he was randomly added at some point so I gave him a makeover.
He's awful cheerful and carefree without Makayla in his life...ah well.
The Don...and that look of his, I don't pretend to understand coding but I wonder if with bikes like this if we could get motorcycles that might suit him better not that it stops him from being himself. He's grown tired of the calientes and moved in with a few guys, he doesn't think much of his new roomies...but he naturally gets along well with J.
There's that look again.
I got rid of Zoey and cleaned up their house a touch.
They are all safe from her for now.
They behave much like therapy animals and rarely leave his side, Vlad hates what he's become he seems to be an emotional wreck most of the time, crying, hostile and ready to work out..cry again, laugh at something silly his pets did...cry some more. He's even growing tired of his coffin. Which used to offer much more security.

"Ugh...what is wrong with me..?"
Moving on they were born, Zane, the eldest and his twin Natasha, naturally mom had to pack them up immediately aren't they adorable?
To say he was surprised to see her was an understatement, she wouldn't answer his calls he thought they were done, not that he was happy about it, as she told him what she was there for he couldn't help but feel like he would have been better off if she did drop him.

"You want me to keep them?"

"Naturally, what's wrong with that?"

"Well nothing, but where are you going to be?"

"Don't you worry about that, you'll barely see me."

Before he knew it, he was agreeing. What had he gotten himself into...who was this woman..?
"Well I'll be seeing you stay cute for me."
"Hmm...they'll be an interesting little pair.."

Satisfied she left to go amuse herself only then could he move, like she had control in the most literal way.

"Wh...what was that...?"

Makayla would probably say something like..checkmate or something like that I don't know...yeah hundred baby but she's an evil self absorbed individual with questionable powers and she will torment anyone when shes bored...and she has a very short attention span..get it?
After a 'well deserved' spa trip she meets her second target Vlad only wanted a little more company he'll pay for that.

5 Replies

    She only spoke to him for a moment but she was glad to meet another possible baby daddy, though she had to make her way over to Vlad's she had seen him leave and was going to make the most of it.
    She always thought dogs were too trusting.
    Despite his senses making it easy to move about with a bit of sound he was still caught off gaurd focusing on the internet and listening for his pets. Though rather than be upset she let herself in he felt he was just glad she came at all...she was an odd woman he could sense that much but perhaps not a real threat. Which was true enough she was never a problem if you didn't didn't cause any trouble for her.
    The more he relaxed the easier the task became.
    She was pleased he was so happy to find out she was expecting it would make it much easier to drop the kid off and move on.
    Though she wanted to stay on his good side, seeing as he could afford much more than Akira.

    "You'll do anything I ask, won't you love?" a bit dazed and confused just being around her he only nodded, anything for her.
    After her time with Vlad she left to enjoy the spa, not that she could do much but at least she was closer to her goal, she wondered if the baby would be a vampire. When she got home she got to add a little more to her personal space, as she paints but most of her funds comes from child support she gets. It's a rather old fashioned law just one of those things so overlooked it had yet to be changed. Not that she needed an excuse to get her way.
    I realized she didn't have an alien option so I created one...she does not like the storms down here but she's not like the others she wants someone to love not a bunch of babies she can never see. Unfortunately for her...who Playing Makayla puts me in a mood I guess, her name...escapes me.
    She's still eager to learn like the typical alien but even she knew that most of their existence was just having babies, not her thing.
    I'll still need Ted later so I popped in to age up his daughter.
    So while Makayla is hanging out at home waiting for the baby to come I came to play with Johnny, both he and Shiloh are quite excited about the latest premier.
    Johnny wants to be famous and he's not really sure about how he wants to climb the ladder, so even if he's not sure what to say he'll go the stream everything way..maybe I haven't had enough coffee but that's all he needed.
    I touched up the diner near his house just for fun.
    "Hey mind if I stream in here?"

    "I don't care...what do you want?" he really couldn't be bothered with wannabes and Johnny didn't care one bit.
    He enjoys a little victory as a couple celebs come in he could use that to his advantage he's just like everyone else but dines with the rich and famous. At least that was his thought process.
    Guess she thinks she earned that too.

    Moved back to the guys just cause, J is really loving life I had to shoo them to work though, for once that left Mitchell alone with Don.
    "What are you so cheery for?" Don asked, oddly enough Mitchell was sure he didn't care.

    "I met someone is all." poor soul.
    "Oh is that right? Why don't you bring her over?"

    'So you can steal her? Not a chance.' he thought bitterly he didn't care for Don.

    "She's not really at a point to bring home."

    "Pfft as if there is a point not like you're gonna marry her."

    He tuned him out not interested in what would no doubt turn into "advice"
    Don got out of bed as early as he could to prank the toilet, not one of them started the washer so he didn't have clean clothes, no one messes with Don's chance at clean clothes...he looks so smug about it too.
    I peeked in on Makayla then went to...whoever this is as it was Llama day and someone had to celebrate but Makayla doesn't have much of a swimsuit body as she would say. Also she naturally doesn't want to be seen pregnant too many times and risk her chances for getting..more babies.
    Vlad doesn't struggle with daylight at all.
    So she had her daughter Janine and went to give her to her father and get her "child support" he was thrilled and more than happy to support his childs "dear" mother.
    Mitchell was easy too.
    Like really..
    So she's working toward baby four and getting spooked by a scarecrow...
    Even Patchy couldn't resist her she really plays into her role and the guys eat it up, I guess the only way to actually add him to household is to still cheat? I don't care just don't want to bug anything out that is not how you 100 baby...and yes that's a verb now.
    Mitchell turned out to be very valuable and gave her three babies, Gianni, Arron and Mckenzie..I think is what I named her.
    Even though she met Johnny walking Shiloh her next target ended up being Baako.
    After which she had a string of visitors, guess they...miss her? Ha, I wonder how many she'll have this time.

    6 babies in the first half of Summer.
    Starting off with Johnny, he needs some encouragement with his first show tonight, he can't really get himself out there with only streaming, being heckled by Don doesn't give him much confidence but he works on it as much as he could.
    I left him to let Baako enjoy some time out with his family, Dominic seems to really like her...and since he was the next target that might happen, I briefly moved to Makayla's house and decided to cheat Patchy into the house. She likes the company and of course Patchy being 'out of the know' with what is normal and healthy for a relationship keeps her living exactly how she wants...yes she's using a scarecrow. lol

    Anyhow I sent the kids to Baako's and Makayla shipped a note with them, she was waiting for her child support while vaguely suggesting he chose her as a surrogate as Anaya can no longer have children. The poor woman was not amused and Baako couldn't say much of anything to it, he was a coward and he would have to pay for that..literally.
    I took Makayla to the gym looking for another guy, she met Darrel and he's lucky he wasn't one of the chosen the way she looked at him, she got to talk to Johnny again but let him go and moved to another gym where she finally met Don through Markus. She got to sweet talk her way to a date with him, though normally she wouldn't bother she just liked him, and despite his typical ways he liked her too. Feeling a little miffed by how things went she was relieved with Simeon invited himself into the conversation if she couldn't bring herself to just have Don as another bit of work then she'd have to skip him. Naturally when she left with Simeon he showed up and she took the wizard to another spot she never felt shame for her ways before. Though she got pregnant again so now she's at eight babies we'll see what comes after. Heh this entertains me probably more than it should.
    So I decided to hang out with Johnny for a bit, when I got there Shiloh was sick so I took her to the vet and let Johnny stream the visit...cause the man is obsessed. Shiloh also loves hopping around when he does anything musical she's a loveable furry music lover. He got to rest up afterwards then it was time for Sims appreciation which is something of a fourth of july type deal, after both Sulani and Brindleton were hit by thunderstorms he ended up at an "incomplete" pool in his home neighborhood. It worked out fine as he met Cristal there, while Shiloh was enjoying a swim he flirted with her until she agreed to go out with him, even if it was just for ice cream.
    Patchy...stop it.

    After enjoying some of the holiday...while it was storming Makayla decided she really liked Patchy and thought to ask him to be her boyfriend, which he instantly rejected as the straw man has commitment issues. Though you have to cut him a break cause he's been trapped on that tree for who knows how long. After her act he immediately changed his mind...cause she wills all the guys...I guess.

    "D..don't be sad I...just meant I've never done that before I wanted to ask you out."

    With a smirk she knew she had him though she had to shoo away a few baby daddies to keep him happy.
    Yeah he digs her a lot more than his rejection says he would, finally it's time for baby 9 and 10 Mallory and Tim, Tim ended up being a wizard like his father, Patchy isnt' quite hard to read so much as he doesn't have anything to read at all but Makayla picks on a bit all the same.

    "You want a baby too?" as if she's doing him a favor yes.

    "I don't know.."

    After dropping the tots off with their dad Makayla went out hoping Don would answer her calls, when he picked up and told her where to meet him she was surprised but realized she wanted to see him. It was a little awkward but she played it off trying to think he was just another guy after all.

    "I'm a little surprised you showed up after what you saw."

    "All I saw was that I'm not being tied down, for me that works."

    Though he was loving the attention.
    After her night out she ended up a little juiced away from her home, though one couldn't blame her specifically aliens can call anyone to them.
    Guess her charms work on the ladies too.
    She's satisfied at least....time to make her way to twenty babies...heh
    Patchy trying to inhale his girlfriend...nothing to see here move along lol
    She probably deserves that pain.
    "Say Patchy the baby is almost here, is it your turn yet?"

    "I don't know...can straw make a baby?"

    " know, I have no idea."
    Baby eleven...or Xavier was born.
    Patchy is fascinated he hasn't even been here for all her babies but still this is the first baby he has seen that isn't completely human.

    "You know...I'd like to have a baby."

    "Oh really?"
    She finds while he gives the little half alien some attention that straw can make a baby, which I knew but it was fun anyways, I wonder how many kids she'll get out of him since they won't be moved and will actually stay in the house.

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