5 years ago
I've never proposed a challenge so I'm not sure in what order to enter everything. I will put my rules here but I want to start with: Always feel free to tweak,make your own rules, etc. so that you have fun with anything. I do have a few rules that have been immutable for myself while play testing this scenario and a few that I have modified a bit. I will upload my starting family and starting lot after I enter rules and backstory.
Backstory: After the apocalypse so much of society's infrastructure was destroyed that everyone was forced off the grid. The Barnes family was lucky because they lived on a farm. When their home was destroyed they move into and began to renovate their barn to provide a cozy and nurturing environment for their family. They are good citizens who also care about the well being of their friends and neighbors in this post apocalyptic low tech world.
You may make your own family of 8 Sims consisting of 2 parents, 2 teens, 3 children and 1 toddler or use my Barnes family (#AvaVonH or#Barnes or#2LoftEcoBarn Challenge should help you find the family.) Gender doesn't matter in this challenge feel free to make a same gender family but to keep the challenge relatively fair you should adopt only babies not older children/teens.
Rules: 1)Set Sim life span to normal.
2)No youth potion (Immutable for me.) You may use any other aspiration rewards that your sims have earned.
3)You may not travel to lots that have very high tech. (Immutable for me.) No libraries (no computers), No rocket ships (No geek-con), no robotics (No University). You may have cheap stereo and/ or cheap TV at your discretion when you have the power to support them. (Miraculously the local bar survived and you have access to a TV and stereo there.)
4)No jobs for most of your sims. If you feel compelled to try to complete mom's Successful Lineage Aspiration you may let your toddler or 1 grand child have a job when they are YA. If 1 of your sims marries and the spouse has a job you may let them go to work. Please do not follow them to work.
5)The community space should become a garden. Please no Maker space (fabricators are too high tech.)
6)Allowed ways to make money should be off grid: fishing, collecting, gardening, crafting of any low tech kind, dumpster diving. You may sell anything from your inventory or a sales table. If you have Seasons please modify Winterfest to exclude a visit from Father Winter. His gifts are often both very high tech and/or very valuable. (The Ultimate goal of this challenge is to complete Mansion Baron Aspiration with a child or other descendant while remaining off grid through out the challenge. The challenge may run a few gens for you. That's okay.)
7)Children and teens should be sent to school.Try to keep grades up. Obviously some Aspirations for children and teens/adult cannot be completed without computers. All off the grid toddler and child skill objects are allowed/encouraged.
8)You may purchase any solar panels, windmills, and dew collectors you can afford.
You can find my starting lot at #2LoftEcoBarnChallenge or#AvaVonH. You may make your own staring barn but please use a 20 by 30 lot and only start with 1 bathroom.
Backstory: After the apocalypse so much of society's infrastructure was destroyed that everyone was forced off the grid. The Barnes family was lucky because they lived on a farm. When their home was destroyed they move into and began to renovate their barn to provide a cozy and nurturing environment for their family. They are good citizens who also care about the well being of their friends and neighbors in this post apocalyptic low tech world.
You may make your own family of 8 Sims consisting of 2 parents, 2 teens, 3 children and 1 toddler or use my Barnes family (#AvaVonH or#Barnes or#2LoftEcoBarn Challenge should help you find the family.) Gender doesn't matter in this challenge feel free to make a same gender family but to keep the challenge relatively fair you should adopt only babies not older children/teens.
Rules: 1)Set Sim life span to normal.
2)No youth potion (Immutable for me.) You may use any other aspiration rewards that your sims have earned.
3)You may not travel to lots that have very high tech. (Immutable for me.) No libraries (no computers), No rocket ships (No geek-con), no robotics (No University). You may have cheap stereo and/ or cheap TV at your discretion when you have the power to support them. (Miraculously the local bar survived and you have access to a TV and stereo there.)
4)No jobs for most of your sims. If you feel compelled to try to complete mom's Successful Lineage Aspiration you may let your toddler or 1 grand child have a job when they are YA. If 1 of your sims marries and the spouse has a job you may let them go to work. Please do not follow them to work.
5)The community space should become a garden. Please no Maker space (fabricators are too high tech.)
6)Allowed ways to make money should be off grid: fishing, collecting, gardening, crafting of any low tech kind, dumpster diving. You may sell anything from your inventory or a sales table. If you have Seasons please modify Winterfest to exclude a visit from Father Winter. His gifts are often both very high tech and/or very valuable. (The Ultimate goal of this challenge is to complete Mansion Baron Aspiration with a child or other descendant while remaining off grid through out the challenge. The challenge may run a few gens for you. That's okay.)
7)Children and teens should be sent to school.Try to keep grades up. Obviously some Aspirations for children and teens/adult cannot be completed without computers. All off the grid toddler and child skill objects are allowed/encouraged.
8)You may purchase any solar panels, windmills, and dew collectors you can afford.
You can find my starting lot at #2LoftEcoBarnChallenge or#AvaVonH. You may make your own staring barn but please use a 20 by 30 lot and only start with 1 bathroom.