The current survey circulating right now asks about which 3 existing packs could use additions. I’m curious how people responded to this question and what their ideas are for additions that might be good.
I personally put Get to Work, Island Living, and Dine Out. I would love them to add a ticket machine to Get to Work like they had for Open for Business that would allow you to charge entry for venues. In general I rarely have sims run their own businesses bc the system doesn’t really work well. More active careers, like firefighter or something like that, would also be great. For Island Living, vacation elements were seriously lacking- no hotels, no way to vacation in the world, etc. For Dine Out I mostly just want them to improve restaurants. Some more restaurant options wouldn’t hurt either (pizza parlor, for one).
Get To Work: I figured they could add more active careers, revamp the retail system, and maybe add some component for owning a lot without it being a retail lot.
Get Together: I honestly don't know how they can improve it, but I feel like there's potential there to add some more components of Sims doing things in groups so maybe more group activities or outings or something. Also maybe they'll add more club features. Idk, this one I just was like...they'll think of something cool to add that I can't think of that I'll end up really loving lol.
Get To Work and Get Together are two of the packs, in my opinion, that I feel offer the most integration possibilities of other packs into their key features, so making them better can only make other packs better.
Dine Out: I figured since this one is known to be quite buggy, it would allow an opportunity to fix it and make it playable.
Get to Work - This is a good pack and they need to tweak it abit like making it so that we can stay at work if we want to. Working as a doctor feels like it's just me working and no one else is working so I can't take on a lot of the patients coming through. And it's buggy.
City Living - I want buildable apartments and to remove the lot traits from certain apartments. But otherwise it's okay besides the bugs.
Dine Out - An amazing pack when it works. Buggy and it takes too long for food to come and sims don't eat.
Since I could only select 3 I removed City Living.
I was talking about this on other thread so I'll just paste it here
"Simmingal;c-17368901" wrote:
I put in these packs mostly because I felt if we were to really take a look and improve we could make some pretty significant changes that could make my game so much more enjoyable and also i feel a little lack of something something
Get to Work this I picked first because it is plain in sight there could be so much more to this theme and it feels sooooooo lacking in every area like confused pack of bit of this bit of that nothing is complete like if they'd add even one thing
they could add additional skill to it (sewing, pottery, glass fabrication, shoemaking idk ... anything to sell pretty much)
there could be factories also maybe? since well. jobs be jobs not everyone can have fancy one.
they could add additional active career (dressmaker, active npc jobs to play with our sims, firefighters? villain one like burglar? idk?)
they could improve aliens for honestly other occults kind of threw them out of park and they're constantly bugged and well alien colonies and spacecrafts and kidnapping sims be just... fun
or improve the retail system like adding groceries or just having some more stands to sell things like I can't even make clothes store we can't just have mannequins everywhere you know we need some clothes racks and such also there is many shoe store signs but absolutely no way to actually sell shoes ???? (sorry i tried to make mall once and I am still frustrated)
or make the jobs more interesting by for example adding actual burglars in our sims houses to catch or like bigger crimes than doodles in goths house or having our sims go to hospital for other reasons than giving birth or just having more things to do at every career really
City Living second pick because meanwhile it has lots of cool stuff I'd like some more because I am greedy and some of it seems odd to put in another pack now
or if that can't happen at least let me edit the hallways and change door placements or separate existing apartments into 2 or 3 should I want to since some of them I never use for being too big
or let me have any other lot type inside my apartment because well it'd just be handy to have little offices in them and such
Functional Elevators to use in any build we like for going upstairs to downstairs. (i mean we got rom teleporters why not this?)
That backstreet of spice district. it seems great place to live edgy life inside some garages and basements whyyyyy not
those underground bands, opera and circus are a big tease and I want them right now as actual things to do. and id also want actual singer career though I suppose these would need another pack for being too big of a theme still, a tease.
being able to turn off festivals and festival invites
goes with phone invites in general but its just annoying when ur on vacation or playing historical save and its like ''geek con is in town'' like no it isn't
+ where does the towel person come from? let me go there. let me be a towel runner too.
Realm of Magic third pick, here I got very confused though since I want small additions to many of these packs (if not all) but I guess my love for occult won
id say some actual witch clothes that look fabulous like old witch hats some cloaks and such are on top of my mind
and since they added familiars I wished there was more to do with them like grow them and play with them and talk to them and feed them and you know not just have them floating about
(*whispers* actual dragons)
and more foods for cauldrons! we can't just be having 3 come on
magic for kids has been talked about a lot
and also id like some of that magic show stuffs like ts1 since there is magicians wand and all :c like meanwhile true we could just have another pack with this features like showtime or something but it would have been fun here too so just throwing it in as I want it very much
hybrids, for honestly sometimes we just can't choose between lifestates
cursing other sims, not just our own sim p_p
and having the sims stay as objects or whatever until someone turns them back not turning back on their own :c and choosing what objects or such they turn into as well since now its just like random and idk what to use it on I can't make my garden of sim statues to show off to my neighbors
and also I was hoping for fortune tellers pre release but now I think better choice would be to release happy haunts as gp tbh since then you could add many death related things and psychics and fortune telling and seances and grimmy and maybe bonehilda and funerals and graveyards and some rituals and ghost things and ... you know?
"Simmingal;c-17368974" wrote: IL was close to being in my top 3
mostly because I'd like them added open water areas in places like windenburg island and brindleton island at least some hula, some hammocks, that ladder to actually work as stairs but i guess id rather its base game then some more sims in my boats/on my aquazips at once and a possible underwater lot for my mermaids and *whispers* Kraken
we also could have some cute mermaid furniture like shell bed. I just love me a good shell bed okay? also something like ''mermaids sitting rock'' would be fun and cute
+ true the village lots are bit irritating since beach feels too crowded to build for me (like it just feels like I should leave it empty and pretty) and I'd like some actual village lots it sort of feels like I live in that village alone with some house shells
I pretty much have idea for all of these packs though one could always improve something
Get To Work - The pack is OK. Aliens need a major update on their powers. There's nothing much on them. So bringing a few powers like they had in Sims 3 is great, but please. Don't focus their new powers too much on emotions. Retail system on the customers are too slow to browse, and that's why it feels boring to fill their interest by talking to them. So faster more or instantly would help it. I don't mind if they add an extra active career like Firefighting, my most wanted career.
Island Living - Not much to do and it doesn't feel like a tropical getaway. While I don't mind the island being livable, but these tropical destinations/worlds relate on vacationing. So adding that as a optional gameplay would fix most problems. And mermaids, like the aliens. They felted too nerfed. Adding new powers wouldn't mind to make them more useful in oceans or lands equally.
Dine Out - Despite a great pack. But it's too buggy, despite the fix of adding more customers. Chefs and waiters are too slow to response and take forever to prepare food.
GTW - The aliens need extra attention. Besides, I hope that we could have a different species of Alien too. For retail, I wish that we can have an option for multiple lot option & perhaps home business too. Besides, instead of just selling goods, it would be interesting if the Sims can sell services too. For example, the style influencer career can open an office to provide advice (which indirectly, can help to change some of the NPC fashions)
GT - The club system is great but I wish that we can have more option for the club banners, the perks, fame system integration, etc. It would be great if there's an organisation in the club system (where the leader/treasury can be appointed based on votes) too.
CL- Adding more events such as pets competition event (why do I need my Sims to train the pet if they're not getting evaluated and win some medals), weirder & funkier event such as steampunk festival, etc. Besides, I wish that the events can be added to the calendar too.
I didn't pick dine out because the bugs should just be fixed. Period. We paid for the pack, it should work at purchase and I don't feel it's the same as going back and re-working a pack.
I picked Get to Work in the hopes that aliens get worked on more, I'd like to see them have a skill tree. I also wouldn't mind another active career or two.
I picked Island Living hoping for mermaids to get a skill tree as well. I'd also like to see some way to vacation there. They were asking about hotels and resorts on the survey, they could add them here.
I picked Discover University for my third. I want to see things like meters to tell me how well my sim is progressing, I want to know what buildings my classes are in. Going to soccer games and e-sports games should move the fun meter up. When you graduate add a trait or two.
I'm sure I could come up with extra ideas for every pack, but fixing all of the occults was top priority for me.
Dine Out - This pack could use some better design. The waiters have a hard time cleaning up, the chefs take too long to cook. The eating mechanic seems to break with every patch, sometimes they will eat the food. Sometimes they will not. There are also a lot of food from other packs that has not been added to this pack. I really like going to the restaurant with my sims but it takes too long and does not work very well.
Island Living - It felt rushed, there so much potential to add more here, resorts, better mermaids, better deep diving, more lots, more stuff to do overall.
Cat's and Dogs - This pack feels like it was designed around curing pets, dealing with their problems and not so much about the joy that comes with owning a pet. My pets are constantly sick, their needs seem to decay when I am not playing them and it feels like there is more we could do with them.
The three I picked were: Get to Work for better Aliens & Planet Strangerville to be able to turn off the weirdness City Living to fix the Festivals & get rid of the weird outfits.
I voted for Get Famous, GTW and Parenthood: - in GTW i would only want to be able to run a retail shop at home lot; - in Parenthood, more activities for all ages, something like turning it more into Generations. - in GF i would want it to have bands and concerts.
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