5 years ago
Alexander Family Dinner
Camron Alexander finally was able to get his family to sit together for dinner.
Seating is:
Farthest Left: Knox (Camron's Husband)
Across from Knox: Brandon (Son of Camron and Knox through experimentation )
Middle Left: Camron
Middle Right: Kenzie (Daughter of Camron and Senior Pollination Technician #3-2 through abduction)
Closest Left: Braden (Son of Camron and Knox through experimentation )
Closest Right: Raylan (Son of Camron and Senior Pollination Technician #3-1 through abduction)
Floor Right: Zayden (Son of Camron and Senior Pollination Technician #3-4 through abduction)
Missing from shot: Draven (Son of Camron and Senior Pollination Technician #3-3 through abduction)
Also in video: Gideon (Friend of Raylan and Kenzie)
Special Appearance by Daquan (Da Butlah)
Sad thing about this clip though as that I waited for Draven to appear (as he had been on the potty) but he never showed. After the clip finished and I panned the camera, I found that he had been there the whole time on the floor behind the farthest chair. Which explained why Knox and Camron kept looking to their left. Poor Draven will undoubtedly be scarred as the outcast of the family for years to come.
EDIT: I had the wrong two closest seats listed. Raylan is on the right and Braden is on the left
Seating is:
Farthest Left: Knox (Camron's Husband)
Across from Knox: Brandon (Son of Camron and Knox through experimentation )
Middle Left: Camron
Middle Right: Kenzie (Daughter of Camron and Senior Pollination Technician #3-2 through abduction)
Closest Left: Braden (Son of Camron and Knox through experimentation )
Closest Right: Raylan (Son of Camron and Senior Pollination Technician #3-1 through abduction)
Floor Right: Zayden (Son of Camron and Senior Pollination Technician #3-4 through abduction)
Missing from shot: Draven (Son of Camron and Senior Pollination Technician #3-3 through abduction)
Also in video: Gideon (Friend of Raylan and Kenzie)
Special Appearance by Daquan (Da Butlah)
Sad thing about this clip though as that I waited for Draven to appear (as he had been on the potty) but he never showed. After the clip finished and I panned the camera, I found that he had been there the whole time on the floor behind the farthest chair. Which explained why Knox and Camron kept looking to their left. Poor Draven will undoubtedly be scarred as the outcast of the family for years to come.
EDIT: I had the wrong two closest seats listed. Raylan is on the right and Braden is on the left