Forum Discussion

drakharis's avatar
5 years ago

Builder Challenge

I was bored earlier and decided maybe I should build in the sims. I gave myself a self-imposed challenge. Build on the diagonal. Since I can't landscape for bleep I avoided adding in landscaping. One day I'll be able to do passable landscaping till then no build of mine will have landscaping, Statues, fountains and pools but not landscaping. It was still fun. Anybody up to it I challenge you to do a diagonal build.

Here are the rules
It must be at least 2 stories. Unless its underground levels all additional levels above ground level must be in different directions

No round column if you use columns they must be square if you are using the ones in build mode. The exception is if you build "columns" yourself to add interest to your build or "structure stability"

It can have CC. If you have LittleMsSam's elevators anywhere it'll be easier than placing stairs or a ladder

Elevators anywhere Little Ms Sam

It can be any style of architecture your heart fancies.

It can be on any size lot. The larger the lot I think the easier it'll be. I honestly believe.

Landscaping is optional.

Good luck and I'm sorry to any builders who want to yell at me afterwards. I thought it was fun and found it a different kind of self-imposed build challenge.

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