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lolface2404's avatar
5 years ago

Challenge - The Villain Legacy

So. I read a lot of TS3 stories on Wordpress even though I only have 4. And I came across this!
Villain Legacy

So it's a regular legacy but you pick the heirs based on their evil points - assigned by trait!

Basically, all I did here is use the same point system (except with larger modifiers because of the smaller number of traits in 4) in the above blog post to TS4's traits. With some little explanations, here they are:

Active - +2 - A Villain should stay in good shape.
Cheerful - -3 - Stop smiling so much.
Creative - +2 - Always think on your feet
Genius - +2 - The IQ points help
Gloomy - +3 - What kind of Villain doesn’t brood?
Goofball - -2 - No time for joking around
Hot-Headed - +3 - A Villain doesn’t have to control their temper
Self-Assured - +3 - Confidence is key
Unflirty - +3 - No distractions!
Art Lover - 0
Bookworm - 0
Foodie - 0
Geek - +2 - Technological know-how will help you.
Maker - 0
Music Lover - 0
Perfectionist - +3 - Well-executed plans work better
Adventurous - +3 - Keep trying new things, going new places.
Ambitious +3 - Set some evil goals!
Cat Lover - 0
Child of the Islands - +2 - The power of the elementals certainly won’t hurt!
Childish - -3 - Villains don’t play with toys, go plot
Clumsy - 0
Dance Machine - -2 - Waste of time.
Dog Lover - 0
Erratic - +3 - Listen to those voices
Freegan - -3 - Environmentalism isn’t important
Glutton - +2 - Don’t villains take more than their share?
Green Fiend - -3 - Still not important.
Kleptomaniac - +3 - Take what isn’t yours.
Lazy - +2 - Minions should be doing the dirty work.
Loves Outdoors - -2 - Plot underground like a real bad guy
Materialistic - +3 - A Villain should have luxury and money aplenty
Neat - -2 - Someone else can do the cleaning.
Recycle Disciple - -3 - Not important.
Slob - +2 - Who cares about what you leave behind?
Snob - +3 - of course you’re better than everyone else
Squeamish - -3 - You’ll need a strong stomach for this.
Vegetarian - -2 - Who cares?
Bro - 0
Evil - +4 - The ultimate cruelty.
Family-Oriented - 0
Good - -4 - No.
Hates Children - +3 - Who has time for the needy little things?
Insider - 0
Jealous - +3 - Whoever you choose, they’re yours.
Loner - +3 - Shun the company of others, it’s more efficient
Mean - +3 - A sharp tongue keeps others in their place
Noncommittal - +3 - Villains stay restless, always looking for something new.
Outgoing - -3 - Other people shouldn’t be important
Paranoid - +3 - Watch your back!
Proper - +2 - Conduct yourself well in public
Self-Absorbed - +3 - Of COURSE you’re the most important person in this world!

Feel free to change them ofc, lots of it is subjective :)
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