Sims 4 Asylum Release challenge #asylumrelease
This challenge starts off much like the #asylumchallenge with a twist! Your sims are able to leave the asylum once they prove they are able to re-join society by achieving their aspiration. You can also play multiple sims, unlike the asylum challenge where you are only allowed to play one sim and the other 7 manage themselves.
To play you must create 8 sims. All sims MUST HAVE the erratic trait and MUST NOT have the Self assured trait. the other traits are up to the player to assign. Aspirations are up to the player as well.
The House build rules:
Create a house with only the cheapest items
- 5 sleeping spots
- 6 sitting spots (1 nappable)
- 1 shower or bath
- 1 toilet
- 1 sink
- 5 skill building items
- TV or computer (not both) separate to the 5 skill building items
The gameplay rules:
- Sims cannot have jobs to earn money (they must earn money by gardening / painting / woodworking / writing etc)
- Once all the sims are inside the property, lock all the doors / gates so they cant leave
- Sims are allowed out on day-visits BUT MUST all go out together and return together
- Once you have built your asylum and placed your build items ad moves the sims in, use the cheat code to set their money to 1000. They will need to earn money from then on to pay their bills.
You can play all sims simultaneously and help them achieve their aspirations in order to be released.
When a sim has achieved their aspiration, use the split household and move to move them out.
The challenge is won when all 8 sims have successfully re-joined society and left the asylum house.