Forum Discussion

BRI_O_1977's avatar
9 years ago

**Check out the Most EPIC Sims build of all time!**

…or at least it’s MY most Epic Sims build of all time. You can judge for yourselves if you’d like. I began working on this MASSIVE undertaking on February 2nd and have worked, little by little, nearly every day since (somewhere around 50 hours and counting). I still have work to finish before I consider it complete, although it is 90-95% finished (whew!) I will be posting progress pics / pics of finished rooms etc. I have most of the interior finished at this point. The landscaping and roofing haven’t really been started yet, although I have plopped some things down here and there.

Now for some background:
I have always been fascinated with Castles and Victorian Era mansions. This build really encompasses everything I picture when I imagine those things. I did find a castle plan called, Foxbridge(hence the name), and I have modeled my build after it. It is close to the layout of the plans, but altered to fit the constraints of the game and tailored to my imagination of what the interior should look like. It’s kind of an amalgamation of different homes in films and documentaries that have inspired me throughout the years.

Sooooo the way this works out in my mind is, Foxbridge was originally a Medieval Castle. It came under ownership of Lord and Lady Foxbridge, who had the castle restored (mostly) during the Victorian Era. I will play through several generations until I get to present day, then I will add some more modern amenities, such as a tv etc.. For now they have to get by with only one computer (so Lord Foxbridge can do his writing)
The Foxbridge Family:
Lord Foxbridge
Lady Foxbridge
Sons Edward (YA) and Thaddius (YA)
Daughter Rebekah (T)
Edward’s Wife Aurora (YA) and their twins, Victoria and Edward II
Live-in Servants Helga, Ilsa and Elsa Von Schtup

A few Stats:
Built on a 64x64 lot and with a purchase price of $2,500,000+, this MEGA build has:
- Over 70 Rooms
- 19 Bathrooms
- 12 Bedrooms
- 43 Fireplaces

Ground Floor Rooms:
- 2 coat closets
- Vestibule (pictured page1)
- Grand Hall and Stairs (pictured page 1)
- Chapel (pictured page 1)
- Dining Hall (pictured page 1)
- Drawing Room (pictured page 1)
- Gentlemen’s Parlor (pictured page 1)
- Music Room
- Morning Room (pictured page 1)
- Breakfast Room (pictured page 1)
- Study (1) (pictured page 1)
- Butler’s Pantry
- Service Galley (pictured page 1)
- Ante Room (pictured page 1)
- Business Room (pictured page 1)
- North Vestibule/ Hall and Stairs (pictured page !)
- Trunk Storage Room
- Historical Museum (pictured page 1)
- Lower Level Kitchen/Scullery (pictured page 1)
- Vegetable/herb/fruit garden (outside)
- South Stairs
- Library (1) 2 story (pictured page 1)
- Study (2)
- Scrying Pool
- Meditation garden (outside) (pictured page 1)
- “Hidden” outdoor entrance to basement

Second Floor Rooms:
- 5 galleries overlooking various rooms
- Servant’s Quarters
Includes 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, 2 dressing rooms and 1 small sitting room
Also a balcony overlooking the rear part of the kitchen

Third Floor Rooms:
- Library #2
- Third Floor Main Hall/common area
- Kitchenette #1
- King and Queen’s Suite
- Third Floor Corridor
- Winter Room (bedroom)
- The White Room (Ladies’ sitting room)
- Nursery
- Boy’s Room
- Study #3
- Eastern Suite (Visiting Dignitary Room)
- Conversation Hall (overlooks Ground Floor Drawing Room)
- 2 story Banquette Hall (King’s reception room)

Fourth Floor Rooms:
- Fourth Floor Main Hall/common area
- Black Room (bedroom)
- Red Room (bedroom)
- Meeting Room of the Order of The Dragonheads
- Painter’s Studio
- Kitchenette #2
- Fourth Floor Corridor
- The Royal (purple and gold) Room (Men’s Sitting Room)
- Summer Room (bedroom)
- Blue Room (bedroom)
- Meeting room of the Order of The Bear
- Meeting room of The Knights of the Rectangular Table
- Pink room (girls room/nursery)
- Orchestra Gallery (overlooks Eastern Suite and King’s reception Hall)
- King’s Throne Gallery (overlooks King’s reception Hall)

- Ruins of the Secret Order of Secretive Secrets (formerly a ritual room
/present day Squatter’s Party Room)
- Grecian Style Pool /baths/saunas
- Crypt (hopefully for future vampires)
- Treasure rooms
- Catacombs

*each floor also has a space reserved as an elevator shaft (hopefully for elevators :wink: )
* I would also like to give credit to sweetswami@mts, k-hippie@mts, and nafsims@mts for the beautiful CC paintings and Rugs!

My goal is to post as many pics of this BEAST as I can in this thread. If you read all of this drivel then, Thank you so much! If not Enjoy The Pics anyway! Thank you for taking the time to check out my biggest Sims Building endeavor in my 15 year history with the game!
Foxbridge Castle Exterior (unfinished)
Ground Floor Layout

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