To start off, I'm a priest's kid. Been in more weddings than I could count and considered churches my second home. When Wedding Stories came out, I saw the chance to make a few places of repose. Started off with the vampires. I might make a more dark and brooding place in the future. For now, this will do. Lady of Night Cathedral has been a hairpullingly fun time. Playtesting, playtesting, and more playtesting then cleaning up the messes of the playtest after uploading and reuploading. I didn't realize some of my wedding guests didn't make it to the facilities and left puddles. Cleaned them!
The Cathedral is split into two buildings. The larger one is for the main service and photography on the second level. The PODUS in the front works for speeches and Vlad likes to creep out visitors with the organ. The smaller building is set for the reception.
The Lady of Night Cathedral is a celebration of love. The night is not devoid of light, nor are its dwellers evil. The night has the Lady of Night to illuminate the path with moonlight. She brings lovers to meet under her gaze. Her hand nudges clandestine affairs of the heart. Of all, she delights in marriage and often seen spying on ceremonies. Will she spy on yours? #MOO #NOCC