Forum Discussion

Zenionith's avatar
5 years ago

Farming expansion new ideas

Besides new farm animals (e.g. chickens, cows, horses, sheeps, etc.) there could be other new features in a Farming pack, especially new family and elder activities!

New gameplay objects
  • Jam making/ Canning skill
Cook fruits and vegetables into jam or canned goods
  • Butter churn

Turn milk into dairy products (e.g. butter, herb butter, yoghurt, cheese)
  • Butter churning builds Fitness skill

  • Haystacks (WooHoo location)

  • Tractors
  • Fixer-Upper Tractor

  • Tree houses

Object for children, they can climb up the treehouse and play inside it or hide when feeling bad. Adults can WooHoo in the treehouse
  • Barn doors

  • Omni plant

The omni plant starts to grow anything when feeded a certain object. Yes, it can even grow books, crystals and living animals such as sharks. It‘s just a quirky Sims thing that‘s still missing.

Updates to base game
  • Make children able to water plants, learn Gardening skill and harvest (Family farms!)

What do you wanna see? Feel free to add it below so the developers can see your ideas!

9 Replies

  • an adult holding a toddler on a pony and going for a walk around. Also my dad used to always take me on wheelbarrow rides around the park lol and i feel like that would fit the aesthetic of a farm pack. Basically swap the pram for a wheelbarrow.
  • "Emusimmer32;c-17779788" wrote:
    an adult holding a toddler on a pony and going for a walk around. Also my dad used to always take me on wheelbarrow rides around the park lol and i feel like that would fit the aesthetic of a farm pack. Basically swap the pram for a wheelbarrow.

    Yeah that would be cool!
  • Yes! This is a must have Pack for the Sims 4. Not only does it expand on the base games gardening skill, it can expand on other packs like outdoor living with it's herbalist and not to mention magic pack with mass growing magic ingredients. The neighborhood could simply be split into a residential district and farming district. The farms will be special plots that have to be bought through more thorough means then simply moved into because:

    1: Regular plot sizes are too small, it will need to work as a single lot neighborhood. Like Get to Work with Police Force, Hospital or Science Base.
    2: Farms will have to be an almost seperate plot for the farmhouse with limited building options.
    3: Farm plots will neighbor right next to the farmhouse or the farmhouse will simply be a determined portion of land in the middle of the farm plots.
    4: Farm plots will either be pre-determined to a catergory, vegatables, fruit, wheat, cattle, etc or once the patch of land is bought you can pick which catergory it will be for.

    That is just the start, there is so much they could work from that. If they want to get fancy they can make it like Strangerville pack and add a little story where you beat the odds, either a rich industry moving in on the lands, rich farm putting others out of business, etc. Then there are the challenges Seasons pack brings, not all crops and such can grow during Fall and Winter, Animals need to be kept warm, hydrated and fed which can put a strain on funds when you have no income coming in from lack of produce. Equipment needs repairing, enter Handiness skill, fences need mending, animals lost and wandering retrieved before the wolves, bears and cayotes get them. Could also introduce wild animals, expanding on the Pets expansion and if you want to be proper realistic, guns for hunting and scaring off. But thats probably not going to happen, they have to keep it kid friendly, but wasn't Bambi a kids movie? :'(

    It may even support Eco friendly options if done right, in this modern age farming industry has developed alot more eco friendly equipment that doesn't pollute the air.

    But now I am done typing all this out I remember there is a pandemic on so the devs are probably a skeleton crew working from home. Though it's likely we won't see something this good, I really hope they consider doing a Farming Expansion just like I hope they consider doing a Werewolves expansion, hells both of these expansions could work well together, especially if you work the wild animals angle.
  • I would love it if you could ride horses in a farm expansion. You can even have a job as a farmer farming crops and stuff.
  • cb2342z's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    5 years ago
    First of all, my problem will be world and lot size. Appaloosa Plains that ships with TS3:Pets has plenty of big lots, and is a big world. Most of the other TS3 worlds have big enough lots to keep horses/run a farm on.

    I am going to focus on the horse angle. Horses were cut from Cats and Dogs; which makes them showing up in another pack, and how they'll be treated up in the air. While being able to control them isn't a big deal, I hope they aren't as needy as dogs. Back last year, when the (false) rumors of a farm pack were flying; I made several Sims, going by Getty Images and the websites of various tack retailers. While some were generic commercial models who can't really ride; the majority were very skilled horsemen/women. I recently got TS3 CAS figured out, and since I have Pets, have started doing some of the riders' horses. And I'm still trying to finish that roan quarter horse owned by one of the models (and actually the main character of three children's books she has written) that's been giving me a headache trying to get his coat just right.

    I don't think, in TS3 one can create donkeys or mules; which are in the horse family, and often seen on farms still.

    I really am not a big fan of the types of horse related clothing TS3 had to offer; and while Strangerville has quite a bit of Southwestern/Western-themed clothing on tap, a lot (especially the Western shirts) available looks like something out of a 1950s Western, not what is typically worn today. And nothing in the various styles of English riding attire. And in general clothing, I want to see men's workwear as I typically wear (I've lived on a farm my whole life); like a duck cloth jacket and carpenter's jeans.
  • My interest in a farming pack is growing as i'm getting more and more into historical gameplay.
  • I want a Little House on the Prairie meets Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman

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