Forum Discussion

Bluebell23456's avatar
4 years ago

Hot Springs in Perfect Balance Spa?

With the new refresh out, I was inspired to remodel/upgrade the spa lot I usually place in Strangerville: Perfect Balance Spa. However, I quickly realized why it was my favorite of the Maxis three that came with Spa Day and decided to just call it a day after adding the mini fridges for masks and adding a hot spring.

Goodness, I tried for two hours! I sectioned off a room upstairs that was originally free space, moved walls to try and make it work, then tried building up, moving entire rooms to claim one on the bottom floor, then tried building down. Aside from moving to a larger lot (which I wish to avoid because I like having a spa on this lot in particular) or completely ripping apart the spa, I don't know how to fit one.

Does anyone else know if this is even possible? Basements don't work because of the fountains, even if you go down another level (then stairs and ladders say they cannot go through "terrain"). Building up seems pretty useless as well. There always seems to be collision and now I have a third floor I have no idea what to do with. I'm stumped. I've worked some magic prior with having a hot springs room hang of the side of a mansion, but there isn't enough space for it here.
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