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Anonymous's avatar
4 years ago

Last Sunrise

Special thanks to @ArcherDK of the Sims Forums/Deviant Art for the line of dialogue that made the story better.

A 'what if' one-shot about a newly-changing vampire...and the regret of accepting the Embrace.

Golden light glinted on the turquoise-blue ocean as the sun peeked over the horizon. Jasmina watched the sunrise, and her fingertips brushed the tiny, round bite marks on her neck. She felt Caleb’s blood coursing through her veins, changing her and burning away the humanity within. This is my last sunrise, Jasmina thought as a tear rolled down her cheek. Jasmina sobbed silently. What have I done? The regret ate at her like acid. She’d given up the sun for eternal night, for Caleb. What have I done?
A quiet footstep behind her. “Something’s wrong,” Caleb spoke softly.
Jasmina wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. “I’m fine.”
The raw catch in her voice revealed the truth. “You’re regretting it, aren’t you?”
Caleb had finally given in and turned Jasmina. They were in Sulani to see the tropics and let her see the sun one last time. Jasmina’s silence was answer enough. Despair crushed him. She isn’t meant for this life. I never should’ve turned her. Never.
“No,” she whispered shakily.
Caleb took her into his arms and held her. “There’s no going back.” He blinked back tears, trying to rein the maelstrom of emotions. “You’ll turn tonight.” The vampire released her and quickly paced from the room.


The sun was warm on Jasmina’s back as she walked along the shoreline with the water gently lapping at her ankles. Everything was more vibrant on the final day of her mortal life; the scent of the flowers stronger and the ocean clearer. The regret twisted inside her like a vise. Further up the beach, a line of tiny sea turtles hatched from their sandy nest and moved slowly toward the ocean. She knelt and gently scooped a turtle into her hands. The creature stared at her with the wonder of a newborn. Tears stung Jasmina’s eyes. A baby. At that moment, Jasmina truly understood the sanctity of life.


Caleb sat in a wicker chair on the deck, staring out at the sea. I never should’ve turned her, he told himself again. You knew she’d regret it- and you did it anyway. Anger and sorrow burned inside him, tears rolling down his cheeks. Why did I make you like me?


Dusk swallowed the remains of the sunset. Caleb and Jasmina watched as night fell over the islands. Jasmina stared at him with fearful eyes, her body trembling. Caleb took her in his arms and held her tight. “It’ll be okay,” Caleb soothed her. But a countdown ticked away inside him. Any minute now.
The pain started as tiny pin-pricks, quickly worsening. Agony radiated throughout Jasmina’s body. She cried out, tears leaking from her eyes. A vise twisted her guts into a fiery knot. Jasmina hugged her middle and fell to the floor, screaming. “Caleb,” she sobbed between screams.
Caleb wept as he lifted Jasmina into his arms and carried her to the bedroom. She writhed and whimpered as he laid her on the bed. The change was painful for some, and one of his fears made reality. His voice wobbled. “It’ll be over soon. Shh.” He stroked Jasmina’s hair, which calmed her. Jasmina’s eyes closed, and her breathing slowed, the pain fading to numbness. Caleb watched in horror and awe as his love’s skin paled to an alabaster hue and her hair shimmered with a crystalline sheen. Jasmina’s lips parted, the fangs glinting in the light. He wiped his wet eyes. Her humanity was gone. Jasmina opened her eyes; once a sparkling emerald green, they were a vibrant yellow. The change was complete. “Jasmina?” Caleb murmured.
Jasmina sat up, the movement slow and elegant. She faced him and chuckled, a low, rich sound, her lips a twisted smile.“Don’t you remember me?” The familiar lady-like tone chilled Caleb’s blood. She bared her fangs and lunged.
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