5 years ago
Legacy Challenge!
Hello Simmers! I have started a Legacy Challenge, but I wanted to share one with you and yet I have ZERO screenies on the older one, so I'm going to make another save. Again, I will be collecting screenshots and playing, but the website may not be up until Sunday, Saturday if we're lucky. I don't have the skills to make one myself so I'm relying on my father... but he has work! But in the meantime, here are the procedures I'm using to pick heirs! Like my other challenge, I'm doing the lite version, so if you're not into lite then this probably isn't the thread for you! Lite means no point counting. I'm doing Strict Equality. Heirs can be both male and female but they have to be the opposite gender of the current heir. My founder will be female, so the heir must be male. When he has children, the heir must be female. Because I'm doing Strict Equality, I will not be doing Modern. The babies have to be directly related to the founder, which means I'll be doing Strict Traditional. And finally, the heir law. I'm struggling choosing between reader-voted or strength. :D Strength means all eligible heirs will fight. Whoever wins is the heir. The title of heir can be stolen if another eligible child wins over the heir. It does not say how often I have to have fights, so what I will do is once I am done having children and none are babies or toddlers I will have the two eldest eligible heirs fight. Whoever wins will fight the next oldest eligible heir, etc. I think that strength will be amusing. ;) I'm leaning towards that, actually.