Forum Discussion

dg51829's avatar
5 years ago

More Creative Game packs and Expansion Ideas

So, I’ve decided to create a thread for more creative ideas for game packs and expansions. By creative I mean mostly concepts we haven’t seen or have brand new twists on basic ideas.

  • Farming Expansion: Being able to specialize in tropical and more European/American crops. I would love to be able to farm coconuts, Coco beans, coffee, pineapple, guayava, sweet potatoes, sugar cane, yams, taro, rice, ect. I’d like to see animals that aren’t going to cause serious lag like goats, pigs, sheep, basically smaller farm animals.
  • Sixam/Space Game Pack: Being able to live on Sixam. It would also be fun to be able to host or being an exchange student on Sixam. Flesh out the concept. I would at least like some challenge like only being able to visit if your sim is an Alien or has a rocket ship. I also think having sims living on a Spaceship heading to a planet could be interesting to mess around with.
  • Blast to the Past Expansion: Be able to time travel to a past period. I think the 1950s-1960s theme would be fun to mess around. We have gotten some midcentury themed objects. This isn’t that far fetched of an idea. It would be great for simmers that like to do Generational legacies. I would like to see objects from different time periods so it’s not all a retro theme so if you wanted to simulate the 1900s or 1930s you could without it seeming to awkward. Typewriters would be perfect and would be great for writer’s that live off the grid.
  • Supernatural Expansion: I would to see occult type objects added like tarot, crystal balls, Bonehilda, ect. I would also like to see all the other occult types come out as one package deal: werewolves. PlantSims, zombies, genies, fairies, elves, mummies, ect. I’d love to see more hybrid sims, but I doubt that will ever happen. I love that mermaid and spellcaster children can still use mermaid magic. I think also having Supernatural Hunters that are set on destroying all occults would add some conflict into the Sims 4. It would also be nice to be able to ‘cure’ occult states as well with a Supernatural Healer. I would love to see occult careers such as Spellcaster Master, Fortune Teller, Supernatural Healer, Supernatural Hunter.
  • Superhero Game Pack: Now this won’t be for everyone. I would love to see this as new occult life state where sims can inherit a variety of superhero abilities or can happen though random events. Examples of possibilities: flying, super strength, laser vision/x-ray vision, sonic waves, super speed, healing, nature control, ect. Having a superhero career and a special school for superhero kids/teens. I’d love to see kids and toddlers have random spirts of their powers like catching something on fire or breaking objects on accident unable to control their abilities.
  • Apocalypse Expansion: I would to be able to make my Sims miserable with this. Having everyone must live in bunkers or be homeless camps. Being able to select the type like a nuclear or zombie. Having to grow all my sims food as their limited rations and exploring to find more food is extremely dangerous. You would have to be able to homeschool or not educate your kids at all. There could be jobs like Scavenger, Mercenary, Medic, Freelance Maker, ect. It would be able to create a sort of commune with other sims, but it would have to work like roommates (but families) or they’d have to expand the household size. I would spend hours playing this to be honest.
  • Politics Game Pack: I'd love to enact laws and make decisions as an activist or politician that affect all sims. Now this isn't for everyone. But I think it would fit well with the Apocalypse Expansion like you could create a total lawless anarchy, dictatorship, or cause the apocalypse with poor choices. Or you could create an utopia. This is a little controversial but having sims enter war time to time could be interesting for game play and story progression. Having sims getting arrested from protesting during dictatorships. Again not for everyone. But I think it's any idea the Sims franchise has never touched for many reasons, but a cool idea. Let players create whatever world the want.

  • 3 Replies

    • I'd argue they have done the supernatural thing before, but I would still love to see more from it and maybe some new ground, too.

      My thing about this is for it to be new, they either have to go beyond the stars or get super narrow. I sort of suspect the latter, which can be done well or poorly.

      For example, we have not seen packs solely surrounding:

      1. Weddings
      2. Death (Funerals and perhaps better ghosts and supernatural stuff.)
      3. Babies (Fairly neglected lifestyle, but I do not know much we could do here, either.)
      4. Pools (Another odd one that is a staple in the series, but when have we got something solely focused on it?)
      5. Wildlife (Random npc raccoons, skunks, seagulls, and what not have been base game and introduced with pet packs prior, but there has been nothing solely focused on having backyard wildlife.)

      To some extent we have seen pieces of these before, but they have never been the main show.
    • "Calico45;c-17597957" wrote:
      I'd argue they have done the supernatural thing before, but I would still love to see more from it and maybe some new ground, too.

      It is but it needs to be fleshed out more. I'm sure they could come up with better occult states to include. I think elves like as in LOR would be a fun idea. It would be something new and would appeal to different type of players.

      "Calico45;c-17597957" wrote:
      For example, we have not seen packs solely surrounding:

      1. Weddings
      2. Death (Funerals and perhaps better ghosts and supernatural stuff.)
      3. Babies (Fairly neglected lifestyle, but I do not know much we could do here, either.)
      4. Pools (Another odd one that is a staple in the series, but when have we got something solely focused on it?)
      5. Wildlife (Random npc raccoons, skunks, seagulls, and what not have been base game and introduced with pet packs prior, but there has been nothing solely focused on having backyard wildlife.)

      To some extent we have seen pieces of these before, but they have never been the main show.

    • Weddings: I think it is happening since the Future Cube has hinted at it.
    • Babies: I made a post recently on this. FREE THE BABIES! Haha. I don't think it could happen but I'd love stages to babies like newborn and crawler.
    • Death: could fit into a supernatural/occult expansion. Ghosts aren't nearly as annoying as in Sim 3.
    • Pools: I don't think it would have enough content. Other than animations for pool games and maybe Water polo. We did see some updates in Get Together
    • Wildlife: Should have been part of Outdoor Retreat. But that said would be fun. I honestly hate the people going around in costumes as 'wild animals'. That is not a fair trade off. I miss raccoons messing with my garbage. Skunks would be 'fun' with pets. Seagulls we do have but they don't do anything. It would be funny if they chased sims on the beach.

    • Sims 4 royalty expansion pack

      .New world; massive castle, tourist attractions, parks, semi detached houses

      .The royal family; rarely are seen in public, they make the laws and could banish anyone, incredibly famous, if they judge unfairly they could get exiled, your goal is to join the royal family – so you have to try win over the love of the prince or princess, its very hard but when u marry them you’re a royal, you can climb your way to the top, or just have royal babies, you and all your children will have royalty privileges. You can try to poison your in-laws to become the ruler of the kingdom

      .Servants; you can get a job at the castle, (you have to be qualified) and go to work there in game and try to marry the prince or princess that way too.

      .The public; if you go outside without a disguise, you will be crowded and your reputation will go down, you will have to very careful with how you act around the pubic, don’t want the press finding out things they shouldn’t

      .CAS- royal gowns, crowns, suits, jewels etc.

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