2 years agoNew Hotshot
more family options in CAS please
so, I noticed the choices for making family members is sort of limited in CAS, example it contains the basic options being mother, father, sister and brother yet if you wanted to make someone a grandparent without making the mother or father that isn't directly possible. Same goes for aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews. So let's say I wanted to play a storyline that involves aunts and uncles carinf for their niece/nephew because their parents passed away or something, only way to do this is you'd have create the parents then kill them off in game, for some that might be preferable but sometimes it would be nice to just make the grandparents, and uncles, aunts without having to make parents just to kill them off. There should be a cousins option too, and also adding in an adopted son/daughter and foster parent option would be great for storytelling too. These are just tiny features I think would be neat to add stories.