Forum Discussion

Draverus's avatar
5 years ago

Stories, challenges, oh my-

So just made this little discussion to start posting stories and such. As an aspiring author it's actually a lot of fun having a medium like the sims to work with, even if it doesn't have my main subject that I typically write about.

Instead of just going flat with the brain, we have screenshots of our sims running about like headless chooks as we scream in frustration over them picking that glass of water up instead of following your script.

I don't really have much with my sims, but I'm currently working on two challenge options, depending on my feelings they might just turn into terrible stories themselves... And an actual story about two sisters, about a dangerous secret they hold.

I'm not big on romance subplots, so don't expect love triangles. Expect terrible writing from someone who wants to vibe 24/7 with cockatiels that try to steal my iced coffees and computer keys.

I might even post stuff unrelated to the sims games I have.

This has gone on tooo long, have an Alexandria.

Annnnd hopefully I get the motivation to post something here!
Or I'll just scroll through and read everyone else's stuff....

10 Replies

  • Prelude - For {WORKING TITLE}

    Adjusting her collar, Alexandria caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. She turns to face it, her chest puffed up proudly as she admires her body in the reflective surface.
    It was her first day on the job; having some rather high up connections in her field secured her a job as a civil servant to her city. She was almost there, politics came naturally to her after all.
    Brushing red strands out of her face, she exits her bathroom, delicately striding to her front door. She’d show them what her kind were capable of. Grabbing her house keys, tenderly tracing a finger along the vases within her home as though they were a fragile lover, it was a brief goodbye, it always was. She sighs, adjusting her brown jacket before opening the door and stepping outside.
    And quite like a wolf in sheeps clothing, she blended further into the world around her…

    It was raining as per usual.
    Alexandria regardless sat outside to read, as she always did. Reading didn’t provide the thrill of an adrenaline rush, but let her immerse her thoughts in bygone eras of both reality and fiction.
    It took her mind off of, all the serious matters in her life. Work being one of them, it bored her immensely, she’d rather be an author, to spill all her kinds secrets without anyone except her own being the wiser of how much truth she wrote.
    Human life was dull, why’d she chose this path? She could’ve feigned being a spellcaster, they seemed to be more accepted in this day and age as opposed to the past.
    Mermaids were out the question, she didn’t have the vocals, and didn’t fancy being swamped by the all-female race. Regardless of type, they were leeches.
    Vampires were dead, she wasn’t, besides, she wasn’t of the right species to pull off a good vampire impression. If a vampire came knocking at her door she’d punch their puny fangs out.
    Closing her book with a sigh, she reclines into the patio couch, still pondering her options, of which, there wasn’t many. Fae were reclusive and there was no way she’d look remotely normal amongst the everyday populace with pointy ears and a voice so high her ears would burst.
    Werewolves? No. They were one of the same, wolves in sheeps clothing. Even then, she couldn’t remember the last time she saw one…
    They couldn’t possibly be gone, how were her kind still around if that was the case?
    She’d noticed a couple elves, tall, proud, she could feel daggers being pierced through her flesh whenever they lay eyes on her.
    They knew all too well what she was. The monster sitting mere centimetres under false skin and flesh. They couldn’t do anything, they knew the tale of the boy who cried wolf, sure they existed, but had anyone heard of a dragon occupying a human’s flesh like it was a fashion statement?
    Suddenly realising something, she groans, looking to her laundry that was once again; soaking wet.
    “Great, just great!” She almost threw her book, but managed to contain her anger.
    Instead she watched the rain pelt her clean laundry, a done and frustrated look on her face.
    Could this get any worse?

  • I must agree that the Sims are e an excellent medium for creativity. I'm sure it won't hurt try and post something you feel like sharing :-)
  • Cute start! Curious to see what Alexandria gets up to. She seems like quite a dreamer, not sure of she's cut out for the cutthroat world of politics, but who knows, she may surprise us :) Let's see if the supernatural creatures only lurk on the pages of her book as well :)
  • @ArcherDK no it certainly won't! Only issue is me keeping up ;w; and the lack of dragons so I make do.

    @ThePlumbob We shall see indeed~ Can't wait to introduce the other characters in this!
  • @Dragon_Kween There is dragon related CC available, but alas they are not playable.
  • Continuation of Prelude - {WORKING TITLE}

    She was bored! BORED!
    Today was one of the days where Sylvan wasn’t swimming in the gifts her many lovers would bring her, she was already bored of the luxury cars, the priceless jewellery, and the make-up!
    So she screamed her frustrations to her thousands of Simstagram followers, who were already boring her with their pitiful words of worship. Hah, if only they knew her priceless face was fake, yet free of plastic.
    The rain was bothering her immensely, she hated the sound it made, and it made the sun choke on nothing but dark clouds. She loved the natural light in order to do her make-up, but today it was ruined.
    A groan escaped her lips, there had to be some excitement in today-
    Her thoughts were paused as her mind drifted to her little sister; Alexandria, the thorn would have to do. Going to her contacts, she scrolls down to her sisters details and quickly slings the number into dial, holding it up to her ear with a cruel smirk.
    Alexandria always picked up the phone, she was too much of a sweetheart for their kind, and that’d surely get her killed one day.
    “What sis? I’m getting ready for work?” Came the uncharacteristic sharp tone.
    Sylvan chuckles a rather plastic laugh, “Oh, work? What are you doing? That little writing thing mum and dad despised?” She cruelly jabs, lapping up her sisters’ submissive silence.
    “N-no…” There was some silence, “I got into politics.”
    “Hah!” Sylvan snorts, “Yeah right!”
    “I am! Just you wait you giant stick of lip gloss, I will show your street walking ways up by being a benefit to this society!”
    The comments had Sylvan fume, “You? A politician? Oh please! You don’t have any semblance of brutality needed for such a thing, you’d be better off working as a doormat for these humans then using them as the-“
    “I have work to go to Barbie.”
    Alexandria had hung up shortly after, Sylvan pausing in her tirade for a split second to acknowledge this, before throwing her phone to the ground with a frustrated cry.
    That twerp NEVER hung up on her! What changed? This career change? Oh she was going to show the little mat EXACTLY what happened when she was ignored, not a roasting, she couldn’t do that in town, but a toasting with words would be good enough!
    But what to do…
  • Chapter I - {WORKING TITLE}

    She’d secured a couple of votes from her next-door neighbours. Alexandria sat at on her couch, reading a light novel when a loud, resonating knock sent her to her feet.
    It couldn’t be Sylvan. Her sister always delicately knocked.
    Her hackles raised, she slowly makes her way to the door, gently opening it to see a well-dressed man on her doorstep, checking his watch.
    She knew what she was looking at, and she did not like this one bit.
    “Ah, Alexandria I presume?”
    His honey tone didn’t soothe her, brushing down her swimsuit, she steps outside, giving him an incredulous look, “Just who are you?”
    He snorts, bemused, “Not interrupting anything am I?”
    “Simply my leisure time, name?” Her stance firm, but her tone was weaker.
    He sighs, “Obviously not cut out for the job, Xerxes.” He grins at her cruelly.
    She glares at him, she knew who he was now. Xerxes Ashen, current head of the opposing party, young, handsome, a normal lady would swoon over him.
    Not her. He was a threat, and there was only one way her kind disposed of threats.
    “What’s the likes of you doing here?” She enquires cautiously.
    “I heard from a… Source that a River had re-joined the opposition.” He gives her an emotionless look, “I simply pulled some strings and I’m surprised it’s one I haven’t heard of. That’s still alive.”
    “Unlike my sister I keep a modest profile,” Alexandria snorts, straightening her back.
    “Well.” Xerxes’ face darkens, “Your back is a target now. Watch it.”
    Alexandria was taken aback, aside from her sisters’ cruel jabs, she’d never been threatened by another of her kind before. Temporarily speechless, her instinctual side immediately took over.
    Lash back.
    “I guess that makes two of us.” She stares at him, her brown eyes glinting red, “I might not have your level of influence but I’ll kick your high ego to the curb.”
    “Hah.” Xerxes chuckles, clear bemusement in his eyes, “A challenge? You dare to try that sweetheart?”
    His last word sent her off balance a little, but she quickly reaffirms her ground, “I do. Now leave.”

    What had she done?
    Alexandria sat at her laptop, pondering her earlier words. She was more then scared for her life, her father was dead because of the same situation; trying to oust power into his hands.
    Why had she even picked this job up?
    No. She couldn’t second guess her choice now, she had to perservere.
    “Oh god, Sylvan what do I do?” She murmurs, exhaustion hitting her as she walked to her room.
    She had to ring her, sure Sylvan was a cruel dragon, but she was her sister first.
    Sitting on her bed, she cautiously awaits her sister to pick up, “Who am I tearing apart?”
    Sylvan knew her sister all too well, if Alexandria rang her, someone was dead for being cruel to her sister instead of her.
    “I don’t know if you want to do that…” Alexandria exhales deeply, the silence on the other end damning.
    “It’s that Xerxes guy isn’t it?” Came a furious response, “Look, I might be a-“ The word was inaudiable, “- You should’ve just stuck to your writing thing, you would’ve been ignored.”
    “But I wanted to do this! I just didn’t think my small workload would be noticed by anyone higher then me…”
    “Look, Alex.” There was a sigh from Sylvan, “You’re clueless to this! How I treat you is a stepping stone to what Xerxes might do to you… Politics is a cruel world!”
    A moment of silence, followed by a sigh perked Alexandria up, “Did you want to come live with me? That’s if you can handle me being cruel?”
    “I’d rather deal with you, then potentially ending up with a knife in my back,” Alexandria sighs.
    “Good. Now, continuing on from our earlier conversation… HOW DARE YOU HANG UP ON ME?!”
    After listening to some berating abuse, the sisters eventually said their goodnights, Sylvan obviously pleased with the verbal abuse she had given her sister.
    She was probably going to regret living with her sister.
    Probably? No, she was.

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