5 years agoSeasoned Ace
Supersim Type Collaboration Idea
**This will (hopefully) be an ongoing SimLit collaboration. Anyone should feel free to jump in as you have ideas. There are no limits on how much or how little you participate if you choose to.**
No one knows who he was or even if he really existed. Shaky footage of a man feeding children triple doses of cowplant milk was released to the public. No one knows what became of these child victims, or if they survived.
The video roused public outrage. Activists gathered outside Sim Agency demanding answers. Protests were held in every crevice of San Myshuno. Politicians found themselves at the forefront of media scrutiny and criticism.
Conspiracy theorists quietly patted themselves on the back. All those nights of tracking, bug planting and staking out around The Facility had paid off, especially when that truck rolled in and two of the children’s faces peeked out from behind the window blinds. That was all the incriminating evidence they needed.
No one actually knows what happened in the isolated, highly-secretive facility. And towards the end when the national leaders finally addressed the public’s concern and disbanded its operations, none was still the wiser.
Any claims of human experimentation were adamantly denied. Theorists were furious, accusing leaders of covering their tracks, disposing evidence, and modifying memories. But with the passing of time and the controversial program no longer existing, people began to forgive and forget. Normalcy resumed and the Facility and its news were no more.
In the end, whatever outcry there was, was forgotten and chaulked up to conspiracy theorists. Later it would be said that there were no children at all and that it was a hoax and media frenzy.
Time is supposed to heal all wounds, likely it just makes things easier to forget but now there are whispers that it has begun again. The first children, now adults, may no longer be able to forget their terrible past. For some, their memories are starting to awaken, while others had their memories the entire time…
The question is how will they react? How did their strange upbringing affect them? And, when the first contact is made, what happens next?
Goals: Like Pinstar's Wonderchild and Carl's Super Sim...
As a young adult, they should have Top Notch Toddler, the four childhood aspiration traits, the 5 character value traits, and the scouting aptitude trait. How far you go from there is up to you. In some people's super sim playthroughs, they attempt to top every career and complete every aspiration. I don't know how far I'll go with it. More than anything I just want to concentrate on one sim for the most part.
What makes this a collab is that our kids were raised together in an experimental facility. Which is why they're so smart. In current-day, they are all at some point in their young adult years. One of them (who we can make or can just be a "voice on the line") discovers that there may be a new facility being run and begins to contact the others. In my case, since I'm playing this in the "now" it'll lead to memories and flashbacks.
I'm doing it that way because I don't want to do the long drawn out raising of the kid and taking tons of screenshots. In the Alien Adoption collab, I quit when my alien kid aged to teen. I'd like to get to their actual life as a grown-up because, frankly, I think his life is hilarious even if it is seriously messed up.
I imagine everyone would have different thoughts on how growing up like that might influence a kid. Maybe it would be something as simple as wanting a huge family. Or having commitment/trust issues. You can start your story from any point in their life. From the beginning, when they leave the Facility for foster care, or when they're already a young adult.
We'll have to all have a copy of the facility, some staff, and each other's kids in varying ages for screenshots.
You can use any parentage. (see Carl's guide for ideas)
You can give them any traits you want.
You can switch aspirations to get satisfaction points.
You can use potions, parenting skills, and any other non-cheaty methods to max needs.
You may use mods or cheats to maintain needs for any of the other sims living in The Facility or the foster home.
Timeline: Toddler to partway through teen in "the facility." Teen to YA in a foster home of your choosing.
Carl's Guide to Making a Super Sim
The Wonderchild Challenge Rules
(Credit for the introductory blurb goes to @mercuryfoam I just changed a few things.)
No one knows who he was or even if he really existed. Shaky footage of a man feeding children triple doses of cowplant milk was released to the public. No one knows what became of these child victims, or if they survived.
The video roused public outrage. Activists gathered outside Sim Agency demanding answers. Protests were held in every crevice of San Myshuno. Politicians found themselves at the forefront of media scrutiny and criticism.
Conspiracy theorists quietly patted themselves on the back. All those nights of tracking, bug planting and staking out around The Facility had paid off, especially when that truck rolled in and two of the children’s faces peeked out from behind the window blinds. That was all the incriminating evidence they needed.
No one actually knows what happened in the isolated, highly-secretive facility. And towards the end when the national leaders finally addressed the public’s concern and disbanded its operations, none was still the wiser.
Any claims of human experimentation were adamantly denied. Theorists were furious, accusing leaders of covering their tracks, disposing evidence, and modifying memories. But with the passing of time and the controversial program no longer existing, people began to forgive and forget. Normalcy resumed and the Facility and its news were no more.
In the end, whatever outcry there was, was forgotten and chaulked up to conspiracy theorists. Later it would be said that there were no children at all and that it was a hoax and media frenzy.
Time is supposed to heal all wounds, likely it just makes things easier to forget but now there are whispers that it has begun again. The first children, now adults, may no longer be able to forget their terrible past. For some, their memories are starting to awaken, while others had their memories the entire time…
The question is how will they react? How did their strange upbringing affect them? And, when the first contact is made, what happens next?
Goals: Like Pinstar's Wonderchild and Carl's Super Sim...
As a young adult, they should have Top Notch Toddler, the four childhood aspiration traits, the 5 character value traits, and the scouting aptitude trait. How far you go from there is up to you. In some people's super sim playthroughs, they attempt to top every career and complete every aspiration. I don't know how far I'll go with it. More than anything I just want to concentrate on one sim for the most part.
What makes this a collab is that our kids were raised together in an experimental facility. Which is why they're so smart. In current-day, they are all at some point in their young adult years. One of them (who we can make or can just be a "voice on the line") discovers that there may be a new facility being run and begins to contact the others. In my case, since I'm playing this in the "now" it'll lead to memories and flashbacks.
I'm doing it that way because I don't want to do the long drawn out raising of the kid and taking tons of screenshots. In the Alien Adoption collab, I quit when my alien kid aged to teen. I'd like to get to their actual life as a grown-up because, frankly, I think his life is hilarious even if it is seriously messed up.
I imagine everyone would have different thoughts on how growing up like that might influence a kid. Maybe it would be something as simple as wanting a huge family. Or having commitment/trust issues. You can start your story from any point in their life. From the beginning, when they leave the Facility for foster care, or when they're already a young adult.
We'll have to all have a copy of the facility, some staff, and each other's kids in varying ages for screenshots.
Timeline: Toddler to partway through teen in "the facility." Teen to YA in a foster home of your choosing.
Carl's Guide to Making a Super Sim
The Wonderchild Challenge Rules
(Credit for the introductory blurb goes to @mercuryfoam I just changed a few things.)