The Kaufmann family (Decade Challenge is finished)
Hello fellow simmer,
Originally I have started this challenge three months ago in July and I write about it in the 'What happened in your game today'-thread. But @MelsieYT asked me if the story is written down somewhere coherently, so I'm going to copy the story parts in here.
My challenge is placed in Germany and I'm playing the legacy of the Kaufmann family with adapting the original rules, because I'm a german, so this history is more familiar to me than the american history. During the game I switch to the nice streamer StephKaycee deathroll-method (roll D20 after statistics), which made this challenge a bit more fair, but create less drama. If you don't know her yet, she plays on twitch her own decade challenge.
At first I thought I wouldn't stay long enough on this challenge and I had my struggle in the world war 1, but I can't believe that' already 3 months gone.
Then let me start:
The american rules forbid to start in San Myshuno, but for me it's essential for the story. It's 1890. A young and poor couple has move from the countryside to the big growing city. Ludwig and Viktoria Kaufmann, her marriage was arrange by their former squire, who let them go because of a bankruptcy. They hope to find a better paid job there. They found a cheap room in one of the tenement barracks. Ludwig started his 3 years military service and Viktoria became pregnant soon.
Living in a cramped building, they have to deal with loud neighbors and dirty environment all the time.
In late 1890 their first son named Wilhelm (after the emperor) was born.
Ludwig is very ambitious and and impressed his superiors, so he ranked up, while he is proud of his family growing extended.
While he is family orientated, he is also unflirty in due of the prudish era, but he did his marital duties and Viktoria became pregnant again. It's now 1891. He began to be interested in the social democratic party and workers right, since the anti-socialist laws were lifted.
I had so much fun with playing these 3 years, that I forgot to post about it. Originally I thought I don't have much picture for 1971 and that was true, but 1972 the things have changed much.
Let's start with 1971. McDonalds open its very first store in Munich. The next one I put under a spoiler tag because of the pro choice reason
Big topic was the campaign of "We've had abortions!" against the Paragraph 218 of the country's penal code. It's still a topic, it's still forbidden until this day, but you aren't penalized if you follow the rules within 12 weeks. The GDR was farther developed in women right's, especially in this case. The Unification was a step back in women rights about their own body, and it's still an issue.
1972 The tragic of Olympic Summer Games in Munich.
Especially the massacre, where palestine terrorists hold hostage and murdered 11 Israeli Olympians. It was meant as light weight festival, a Dachshund was the mascot, but it shouldn't be so. It was followed by a series of ugly terrorists attacks and hijacking, which exposed the incompetence of the German police.
Just a tiny, but happy side note, during the summer games the Swedish crown prince Carl Gustav met his future wife Sylvia Sommerlath.
1973 Germany and East Germany were invited to join the United Nation. Start of the oilcrisis, which hit the western industry nations hard in due of the Dependence of the OPEC.
In 1971 Erika was still studying, but she was almost finished withe University when she suddenly felt sick.
Raised in a traditional family, a wedding came on the topic list, but Erika didn't want marry yet. She liked her family name and don't want to lose it. Sure she could get a double name but her unborn would not inherit that name.
Her family tried to talk with her and convinced her, but she still said no. Fabian would really like to marry her (he has the whim) but he respect her opinion.
The budget is tight. Sometimes they couldn't afford the energy bills and were shut down. But they did the best out of their life as they can, but she needs to earn some money too, but as a pregnant woman nobody would give her a job. She has earnt some money with writings on a freelance base. They needed a bigger apartment too, luckily in this case their neighbor wanted to move in a smaller apartment and they have got his apartment.
In 1974 Germany won the 1974 FIFA World Cup and Chancellor of West Germany Willy Brandt resigned following an espionage scandal. Swedish pop group ABBA's song Waterloo wins the 1974 Eurovision Song Contest.
In 1975 the age of majority was decreased from 21 to 18 years, there was also a reform for the family names, which was going to be valid in 1976. Since then couples are able to choose the family from the woman or the man, just if they don't make a decision, the man's names was going to be the family name automatically (until 1994). Another topic was the West German Embassy siege in Stockholm by the R.A.F.
A new years resolution was to loose weight, and this time with more success.
Fabian has celebrate his birthday.
Fast forward to 1975.
Erika is pregrant again.
With the new baby and the upcoming new name reform, Erika finally said yes to the proposal.
It's cost a lot of time for the buerocratic process for a wedding.
The twins are now old enough to go to the Kindergarten. I downloaded extra Kawaii Stacies education bundle, to have this feature again, and also the SoL base and a few, not so intrusive, packs. Tanja, as a curious toddler, can't await to go every day in to the Kindergarten, while Nicole isn't much happy she would rather stay with mom at home.
Fabian, he hates gardening, but he did his duty and plant an apple tree, while the toddlers enjoy the adventure on the building site and got a scolding from dad.
In 1976 is a year which is hard to descript or to find something interesting in Germany to tell about: A couple of Millionaire's Kids hijacking happened. The Palast der Republik was opened in GDR. Monday is now the first day of the week. The mandatory use of seat belts in the front seats of passenger cars was introduced, which caused much anger in the society, some claimed their freedom was in danger. Since that year it's easier to get the divorce in due of a change of the divorce rules. 1977 is known as the German Autumn in Germany, that year Germany had to deal with Terroism of R.A.F. and which is count as one of the heaviest crisis in Germany and it ended with the suicides of the terrorism leaders.
A bunch of sorrows lied on Erika's shoulders. One sorrow were the twins, they had a rough time in the Kinderagarten. Especially Nicole didn't like it, she wanted to be at home, with her mom, in her temper tantrum, after Tanja has teased her, she has bitten Tanja in the hand. Fabian scold them both.
More pictures are under the spoiler.
The other sorrow was the terrorismus, which put Fabian as a member of the police in danger.
The next sorrow was the easiest of all, the relocation, where she needed to do some errands on the flea market.
Erika find some peace when watching the birds near her new home.
Fabian tried to spent time with the family and soothing the sorrows, so that the children don't have to fear.
Erika loves to have birds around her during she was rebuilding the garden, while Fabian always wanted to have a hobby cellar. The children loved their new playground.
@Kellogg_J_Kellogg Thank you, I give my best try and currently I let the 80's slowly come in, with tiny steps. The youngest sister of Erika already wears a 80's outfit and hairstyle. It looks so awful in my eyes. I thought the early years would be hard to catch in the style, but now I have to deal with the esthetic which I dislike. The clothes and hairstyles give me questions marks over my head, what were the people thinking? The two iconic items for the aerobic time are unfortunately not in the game yet.
The 60's and 70's really made fun to play around with the colors, even with the brown and orange tones as base colors.
In 1978 the first German, Sigmund Jähn, from the GDR was in the Space. Most of the western german citizens doesn't know his name, meanwhile all former GDR have heard from him. He was a humble person and didn't liked the attention. At the end of the year one of the worst snowfall and cold began to start and stayed the whole winter, it was a nation-wide catastrophe in both states. In 1979 Heinz Erhardt a very famous comedian in Germany died. At the end of 1979 the NATO made Double-Track decision, which caused the biggest demonstrations of the peacemovent in the following years.
A red rose for the birthday child, Erika became an adult.