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MrGiggleTickle's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
5 years ago

The Not So Super Mario Bro (Updated 4/1/2020)

Psst, this is my first Sims "Story" so to speak. So don't go expecting too much, anyways come and enjoy the weird mess that's going on in my head.

Chapter 1: Mario Bros. Behind the Pixel.

Welcome to Mario Bros. Behind the Pixel, our story starts almost 40 years ago on July 9, 1981. The day Mario and Luigi (Last Name Unavailable) were born to a not so loving, pretty stinking poor family in a pretty scary part of town.
Unfortunately for them, they were basically on their own since their parents were never around and correct me if I'm wrong but that sounds illegal but oh well that's just how it's always been for them.
Luigi: "Yeah, life was pretty tough. But Mario and I always found something to make us feel better about our upbringing."
Luigi: "For instance, Pizza! We couldn't order it ourselves, but we'd always umm, 'find ways' about getting a hold of those pies."
Young Mario: "Man do I love having a high metabolism!"
Luigi: "Unfortunately we were always strapped for cash, so we only ever had one bed in the house. So naturally if Dad was ever around he'd play a game to decide who gets to sleep in the bed. A game called 'The Favorite'. Dad would pick his favorite and the favorite gets to sleep in the bed."
Luigi: "Of course Mario always won that game."
Luigi: "I however wouldn't know what it's like to sleep in a bed until I was 25."
Luigi: "This explains so much."

As the years went on, Mario and Luigi surprisingly looked like they were going to be alright.....Until they hit 13 and started slacking off in school.
Oh and of course who can forget about that embarrassing time in their lives when they tried to become edgy rockstars.
Luigi: "Ugh, don't remind me of that. Fun fact, this is where we got our name: "The Super Mario Bros" because Mario thought it would be a cool name. However it never made sense I mean, why couldn't we be the Luigi Bros?"
But of course when the Mario Bros finally reached adulthood it seemed like the world was their Burrito. What doors could open up for them now? Well....there was one tiny detail.
Boy were they poor.
So they became plumbers and started their own business: "Mario Bros Plumbing". Years later.....they're still poor as dirt, but their outfits make them stand out and are flashy!

Not a bad business though, most of the time Mario and Luigi just had to clean people's sinks.
Young Luigi: "Anything I can do to help?"
Young Mario: "Yeah, go bill the people."
Young Luigi: "That'll be 500 Simoleons."
Jesminder: "500?! That much for cleaning a sink?"
Young Mario: "Could've done it yourself, but instead you hired professionals. Now pay up!"
Luigi: "Now that I think about it, that was a pretty scummy business."

But one day it seemed like the Mario Bros' big break was fast approaching. Turns out, the one and only Princess Peach was kidnapped by King Bowser!
Peach: "What they didn't understand was the fact that Bowser kidnaps me once a week. Plays out the same way every time too, he kidnaps me, laughs, says no one will save me, then he releases me because I spend most of my time in captivity on Twitter anyways. Mario and Luigi didn't HAVE to save me but hey, what are you gonna do?"
And save her they did, the Mario Bros hurried to Bowser's castle to save the Princess as soon as possible!
Luigi: "Well actually, we were fixing Judith Ward's bathtub that day and just so happened to see Bowser carrying Peach to his castle while we were heading out to get ourselves a pizza. But that doesn't sound so well in our Bibliography now does it?"
Regardless, Mario bravely stood up to the Evil King Bowser and told him his days were numbered.
And thus Mario unleashed a wicked flurry of kicks to the evil king.
And with a mighty blow, the Evil King Bowser was defeated.
Bowser: *Speaking in a posh British accent* "Is that what he told you? Oh ho ho, you couldn't be further from the truth."
Luigi: "Yeah gonna have to side with Bowser here, I hated how Mario always said that's how he beat Bowser. Here's how it really went."
Luigi: "Mario and I showed up, Bowser roared at him and it scared Mario and made him cry."
Luigi: "And when Bowser attempted to apologize to Mario for making him cry, Mario just pulled out an empty bottle and smashed it over his head."

But regardless, The Super Mario Bros were the heroes that saved our Princess. In return for saving her life, Princess Peach did what she always did to reward people.....She made them a cake!
Young Mario: "Oh. My. God.....This is the greatest cake ever made!"
Peach: "It was literally a cheap instant cake packet from Wal-Mart."
But boy was it delicious.
Luigi: "Now of course our story got out that we saved the Princess so of course everyone was all over us wanting our story. So instead of taking any TV or movie offers we made a big gamble....and picked the offer to have video games made about our stories. And we all know where that went!"
That's right, the Super Mario Bros became overnight sensations, brought in millions upon millions of dollars in gross revenue and became two of the biggest celebrities the world would ever see.
See that? This woman passed out just witnessing Mario's massive Star Power. THAT'S star power!
Naturally, Mario and Luigi would claim their place at the top of the fame ladder.
Young Mario: "The world is truly my Burrito!"
Victor: "Can I get an autograph?!"
Young Mario: "Sure thing!"
Victor: "It....just says 'Mario'."
Young Mario: "You're welcome!"

Then of course Romance was in the that Mario was a millionaire.
Peach: "Yep, when he was poor I made him cake. When I found out he had over a hundred million simoleons to his name, I fell in love with him!"
Naturally, Mario and Peach would marry in a private ceremony (there were paparazzi everywhere.)
Then of course the newlyweds would soon welcome a child into this world, Mario Jr.
Don't worry, Luigi wouldn't be left out like that. Especially after his fling with Superstar Octavia Bailey.
Luigi: "Would just like to throw it out there that was probably the high point of my career."

But of course.....the good times would soon come to an abrupt end...It all happened one day during a nice party when Princess Peach invited a few friends over for cake.
Mario wasn't a fan of Peach inviting her ex to the party. But that didn't bother Mario too much, what really bothered him was that HE TOOK A PIECE OF THAT CAKE!
So Mario handled him in a pretty extreme way.
Young Mario: "Might've gone a little overboard there."
Young Mario: "Mama Mia...."
Mr Tiny: "What's up, name's Mr Tiny, and you're in my house now!"
Mr Tiny: "A...are you seriously about to cry?"
Young Mario: "The emotions of the situation are finally starting to get to me."
Officer: "You two are gonna have to shut up in here, we don't like conversations going on in this prison!"
Young Mario: "Hey nice to meet you, it's a me, Mario!"
Officer: "BAD MONKEY!"
Mr Tiny: "Poor fool never had a chance."
And that's how a legend ends, the great Mario, in prison for murder over jealousy and gluttony. If Mario ever does get out he will see that the world has greatly changed since he's been incarcerated. But until then, this is Super Mario Bros. Behind the Pixel.

To be continued.