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Confutus's avatar
4 years ago

The Overton Legacy

Darell Overton, a Family Oriented, Outdoors Loving, Genius, found himself the penniless heir of a large vacant lot in Windenburg. He immediately began scrambling for a living, digging up rocks, fishing, and going around his lot to find wild bluebells and onions. He fished up a camera, which he cleaned up and got working. Most importantly, he planted a garden close to where he dreamed of building a house. It was a scramble to get started. He napped on a bench, took showers in the gym, and lived on croissants, scones, and onions, until he got the first harvests from his garden and could afford to build a shed.
He explored the neighborhood and found some blackberries and lemons, which he also planted. The library offered the opportunity to begin writing and he published his first children's book. He expanded his shack to where he could fit a bed in it, then added a bathroom with a commode and a sink, a stove, counter, and refrigerator in his dwelling room, and finally his very own shower. It was a tiny house indeed, but at last he could take care of his own necessities.
Another expansion let him add a computer desk where he could do his writing and a kitchen, and he chose a career as a frelance writer. About that time he began courting the beautiful and talented Maaike Haas, although he delayed proposing until he could build her a house remotely fit for such an elegant (some would say snobbish) lady. Maaike, a Bookworm, was a fellow author, employed at Walrus Books.
Darrell added cherries and mushroooms to his garden. The garden was the mainstay of his income and the abundant harvests with their gradually improving quality let him expand the house to six rooms. He finally proposed to Maaike, and their wedding was an outstanding successful. There was a nice set of gifts for the happy couple, which still aren't entirely unpacked. Although Maaike was somewhat bored at first by the lack of proper decor in their small (no longer tiny) house, she was so happy with her new family and so busy transferring her career to her new home, she scarcely noticed. Darrell spends most of his income expanding, furnishing, and decorating Overton House. They started a family right away, and have now been joined by a bouncing baby boy, their first potential heir, Sangston Overton.

8 Replies

  • Darrell had a very nice birthday party, silver level, because he only failed to have someone make a toast. His garden isn't growing very well at the moment. He decided to quit the Freelance writing career, because his Renaissance Sim aspiration requires that he have a career where he can actually get promoted. He almost had a promotion his second day on the job but unfortunately quit working too soon and spent the day goofing off.
    Maaike is pregnant with her second child. She had been eating quite well from Darrell's cooking and gotten much too heavy, and decided to take a slim-fast potion. Alas, chasing a toddler doesn't qualify as calorie burning exercise. Trying to juggle a career, keep the house clean, care for her son's needs, teach him how to speak, use the toilet, and read him to sleep, care for her own needs was just too much...something had to give, and she decided it would be her job. She can still work on writing her books when she gets a spare moment.
    Sangston is learning and growing as a toddler should.
    Overton house is also growing, a little more slowly. It's now a respectable starter home, with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, a kitchen, dining room, work room, and living room.
    Since I'm playing this as Legacy Challenge, the inheritance rules are:
    Gender law: Equality
    Bloodline law: Strict Traditional
    Heir law: Merit
  • Darrel achieved the Jack of Some Trades level in his Renaissance Sim aspiration , quit his writing job and switched to the Tech Guru career. Fortunately, his garden is growing properly again and still serving as the mainstay of the family income, and he is now a level 10 gardener. He hasn't had as much time to garden lately, and is thinking about cutting back on the number of plants to get a little more variety.
    Maaike had a birthday party, but didn't have as many guests as she would have liked. She has three books published, two of them counting toward the Competent Wordsmith level of her Bestselling Author aspiration. She wrote most of another, but couldn't get the ending to work and is thinking of giving it up as a bad job. With her housekeeping and toddler-chasing, she scarcely has a moment to herself anymore.
    Sangston missed having a party as he aged from toddler to child. He was a Happy Toddler and his creative activities will get a boost. He is a Bookworm with aspirations of being a Social Butterfly, which is an odd combination. He hasn't actually started school yet, but he's looking forward to making some friends there. Here he is, reading a book.
    Darrel and Maaike now have a second child, a girl named Myra who has become a toddler with an angelic disposition. So far, her favorite activity when left to herself is playing in the ball pit. Her mother is teaching her basic needs with flash cards.
    A fifth member of the family is a Pekingese named Chipper, who is loyal, a glutton, and a couch potato. He is unfortunately mostly left to himself with only basic attention to his needs, although Maaike has been trying to teach him to fetch when she gets a spare moment.
  • Darrell has achieved the Pantologist level of his Renaissance Sim aspiration and promptly quit his job as a Code Monkey at Rainy Day Entertainment. He has a new job as a lowly Assistant Dishwasher, for which he is seriously overqualified. He has purchased and planted a few more plant types.
    Maaike is more than just a Competent Wordsmith. Her latest bestselling children's book was picked up by the Literary Digest. She is now expecting her third child. She tried hosting a dinner party, but bobbled the arrangements so didn't accomplish any goals. She has been training Chipper more than anyone else in the household.
    Sangston still hasn't made any friends at school, although he is close to qualifying as a B student. He is nearly always in a playful mood, which his parents don't properly appreciate. He went out one evening on his own initiative. and helped with the watering while his Dad was working on writing a comedy routine.
    Myra is now potty trained. Here she is giving her brother a hug.
    Overton House now has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Darrell split a room off the overly large dining room as an arts studio for Maaike.
  • Darrell has achieved the third level of his third occupation, by gaining a couple of promotions and is now a Mixologist. He has taken his one allotted youth potion. He hopes to retire as a Celebrity Chef.
    Maaike has published four books since becoming a Competent Wordsmith, and has maximized her writing skill.
    Sangston, in spite of a valiant effort, was not successful in progressing beyond Chatterbox in his childhood Social aspiration although he pushed his charisma and mischief skills to adult levels. He is now a teenager and has chosen an adult aspiration of Painter Extraordinaire following his mother's hobby as an artist, although he is not naturally as creative as she is. Rather, he has his father's Genius.
    Here is Myra, freshly aged up at her birthday. In my unbiased opinion, she is a very pretty child Sim. She is Active and more inclined to energetic play than her brother,. She has achieved the Popular Kid level of her Social aspiration. (Her mother is her qualifying BFF.) This would astonishingly make her the heiress if her father should suddenly die right now; but there's hopefully still time yet, and Sangston could easily regain the lead.
    I haven't posted a picture of Darrell before. His third child, Marcus, is the toddler in the high chair. He is a Charmer and already making good progress in his communication skill. I don't much like his long hair, but it seems that his parents do. Sitting at the table is Evie Gonsato, an erratic girl who is Sangston's only friend from school and who resisted his best efforts to make her his best friend. Chipper is catching some Z's on the floor.
    Their fourth child is a girl named Annalisa, who is still a baby.
  • Darrell Overton is slowly working on his Renaissance Sim aspiration. Maaike has been too busy chasing toddlers to write much, but one evening she went out to water Darrell's plants and decided she liked it. Sangston is still in high school and has already achieved the Fine Artist level of his Painter Extraordinare aspiration, although he doesn't have many other skills. He has taken back the lead from his sister Myra in the race to become the heir, (since he's working on an adult aspiration). Marcus, only the day after his birthday, has already become a Chatterbox pursuing his own Social Butterfly aspiration. He is a Music Lover., and I like this hairstyle better than the one he sported as a toddler. Annalisa, the youngest and probably last of their children is now a Silly toddler.
  • @Confutus

    Awwww, Myra is definitely my favourite so far! Your legacy is going so well!
  • Myra is my favorite as well. I think she's the cutest Sim I've ever played. Maybe it's the bangs and ponytail with the bow that does it. That doesn't mean I'm going to throw the contest for her. She's going to have to get lucky to beat her brother out of the inheritance, but she is giving him some stiff competition. Marcus and Annalisa are at a disadvantage since they are younger, but the older they get, the less the age difference will matter.
  • Myra, now that you're a teenager and have sprouted an interest in Boys, if you're going to slim down to help attract The One, that strawberry cake you're eating won't help you any. The scowl is probably from still being sore from last night's workout on the treadmill. It's a good thing she is active and likes fitness. Being an Art Lover in the same family with an artist can't hurt her disposition. I think this hairstyle works better than the bun she started with, and the top she had was much too short and didn't flatter her present figure.

    Annalisa looks better with the glasses than without them.

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