5 years ago
THE QUARANTINE CHALLENGE!!!!!!!!!!... my version at least
we’re all stuck in quarantine and what better way to pass time than making your sims be stuck in quarantine too? in this challenge, your sims will be stuck in self-quarantine and physical distancing themselves from other people for a total of 2 sim weeks. that means that when the house warming party shows up- GET THE LYSOL and tell them to BACK UP. there's not too much to it, though i'd recommend doing the harder challenge. hope your sims have friends they can call...
- stay on your lot (inside or out) for the entire 2 weeks.
- your house can be any size
- you can’t have a job that allows you to leave the house (including “essential” jobs) you can have a freelancer job that doesn’t require physical contact with other sims.
- if you order pizza, you have to wait until the pizza dude gets mad and leaves it at your porch.
- if something breaks, you cannot call a repair man- use the “replace” option at your own expense ($$$)
- start a NEW game
- either live by yourself in a micro/tiny/small home or in a family with 1 pet, and either 2 toddlers or 1 toddler and 1 kid (because Lord knows it’s difficult being quarantined with little kids)
- no job at all— freelancer or not
- only start with: 5,000 if you’re chose family, 1,000 if you chose by yourself
moral of the challenge- no contact with sims outside of your household and do not leave your lot for 2 weeks. you can do this challenge with new sims, existing sims, single sims, married sims, sims in a family, sims with dogs- but no matter who is in the house, no one can leave!!!! happy quarantine >:)
- stay on your lot (inside or out) for the entire 2 weeks.
- your house can be any size
- you can’t have a job that allows you to leave the house (including “essential” jobs) you can have a freelancer job that doesn’t require physical contact with other sims.
- if you order pizza, you have to wait until the pizza dude gets mad and leaves it at your porch.
- if something breaks, you cannot call a repair man- use the “replace” option at your own expense ($$$)
- start a NEW game
- either live by yourself in a micro/tiny/small home or in a family with 1 pet, and either 2 toddlers or 1 toddler and 1 kid (because Lord knows it’s difficult being quarantined with little kids)
- no job at all— freelancer or not
- only start with: 5,000 if you’re chose family, 1,000 if you chose by yourself
moral of the challenge- no contact with sims outside of your household and do not leave your lot for 2 weeks. you can do this challenge with new sims, existing sims, single sims, married sims, sims in a family, sims with dogs- but no matter who is in the house, no one can leave!!!! happy quarantine >:)