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Rennegadez's avatar
New Hotshot
6 years ago

What should be the next packs in sims 4

What should be the next packs in sims 4

Hotel pack

You can create own hotel
You can run multiple business in one business your hotel/Inn/motel. You assign employees to space depending on what facilities and activities you have in you lot. E.g if you have a yoga mats then you can have a yoga instructor if you have gym equipment then you assign gym etc if don’t have these items then they won’t be a option.
Must have a receptionist and concierge and hotel manager
Must include a place to eat either a bar/restaurant or cafe
Sim can own more than one lot and rent them out as a business or residential they can buy lots as vacation homes and also rent them out
Allows Sims to be able to live in vacation worlds
A new open sea worlds were Sims can vacation or live on a selection of cruise ships, pirate ships, yacht, submarine and house boats. With the pirate ship, cruise ship, submarines and yacht they are premade however you can change the colour swatch of the outside and design the inside layout (similar to city living) in these premade build you the the ocean and the under ocean view through the cabin windows. With the house boat they are floating platforms that you can build on and they are closer to the shoreline.
Similar to realm of magic they’re is a underwater world we’re either mermaid can live or research laboratories for scientist or just a underwater home. That are reach either by diving, submarine or mermaid swimming to one is a 50x50 open lot without the sphere covering it. The other two have the sphere covering it.
I think this world should have one jumbo cruise ship, two pirate ships, two submarines, 3 yachts and 3 house boats , 3 underwater lots = 14 lots (the reason why I think there should 2 pirates hips and submarines is for rivalry stories)

Study pack

teen, kids can go to actual school, you have the option to join or it be a rabbit hole like usual.
Parents/Guardians can choose what types of school their kids go to and based on knowledge, money and fame if you have the get together pack if they will get in.
The have options of going to public,private,boarding school
Guardians also have the option of home school were they teach students themselves if they work are a teacher or work part-time as a tutor or hire a tutor. You can hire a tutor even if child isn’t homeschooled.
A part-time tutor career option is available for teens and adult etc.
Their are four different school to choose from 2 public schools, one private school, one boarding school. (One 50x40 lot, two 50x50 lot, one 64x64lot) in its own world that you can re-design
You can your own school in other world by specifying what type by lot trait e.g public school lot trait, private school lot trait, boarding school lot trait, and having the appropriate items needed.
Then when apply for school more school options will be available.
Teacher career is a active career. Teachers plan lesson. Can discipline misbehave students and send them to detention though depending on the router may have to do the detention wither or earn extra money by volunteering. They assign group project. They can decide to be strict or laidback but it will effect opportunities for promotions they should be a healthy balance of both. Teacher can take student phones away if they are using them in class Listen to students problems. They can ask school board for better equipment. Teachers will converse with students, other teachers, coaches and other faculty member. Teacher can eventually become head teachers.
Students can be good or bad student and there performance and behaviour in school will effect there school report and grades. Student can prank fellow students or teacher unless teacher chooses group can choose groups for class project but they have to decide to what everyone will be depending on the group project depending on friendship level with other students will depend if they accept if you can form a group then student will have to ask the teacher which will be embarrassing.
Student can throw paper aeroplane, paper spit at others, secretly text in class. They finish work early depending on writing and logic skills
Students can be suspended if they have too many bad report which is effected by misbehaviour like pranking, leaving class early,food fight or being in a fight but only if caught doing these actions by faculty staff member or being snitched on by other students
Student can snitch on other students and faculty staff
Can form cliques and be in more than one.
If you are a leader of a clique can reject people and replace or take out members can overthrow a leader if you are liked better.
Have a popularity system in specific schools or takes them off. Popularity system lot trait. The popularity system works similar to fame points in get famous.
Teacher plan graduation events
Shy, bossy, nonchalant traits
Students plan own sleepover slumber party event it doesn’t have to include a award but if it does depending on how good it can boost popularity if their school has a popularity system lot trait.
New item sleepover bag
New item wearable bags and backpacks new accessories category🎒 for all ages
At the sleepover Sims will tell stories and do pranks.
Teacher can assign students to plan prom or students can plan prom event. If a student plan a event depending on how well it goes can effect their popularity in popularity system.
Get see what can do in after school activities and sports. There a three team sports, 🏀 , baseball⚾️, footie ⚽️, and one, One on one tennis 🎾 that you play against rival school teams but have join the school club to participate.
Sims can know play one on one with these sports. (With basketball and footie you only get these sports if you have the expansion pack that have them).
Similar to the club system in get together can create own after school clubs. New dance skills ballet and ballroom goes under classical dancing. Do live performances for others Sims, students and teacher plan a play.
New item drums.(for all ages) Learn how to the drums and create a band
Sims can now couple dance
New item couple swing
New couple poses for prom pictures
All these activities and sports are for both kids and teens
Bikes for kids
Tricycle for toddlers
Skateboarding for all Sims ages
Roller skating and skateboarding as a way of travelling
Students move up a grade or graduate (if you seasons every full season cycle e.g after all four season have passed) 56 days.
Boarding school have to at least ten beds similar to discover university they temporary move and are separated from the other household when you decide to to choose boarding school life you choose stay with the boarded sim at the boarding school or switch back to main household anytime similar to when you leave one sim at house to develop it own skills and play with other sim.
Boarding school sims can choose to go home for the holidays or not.
Boarding school Sims only spend (if you have seasons 3 seasons a year)/42 days a year at the boarding school.
School uniforms
Can choose if you want a particular school to have school uniform.
For boarding and private school option is already chosen can change if wanted
Design school uniform in CAS (similar to dine out and get to work)

Time travel pack

I think the Sims 4 needs more cultural customs and lifestyles in its game. I think a good way to represent that is time travel pack this pack can have a hotpot of cultures. World idea one world that lead and you enter two future worlds the first world is in the past in old South Asia the two future worlds: Apoplectic future underground and a utopia future in the sky on a alien plant.
Doctor who inspired, Samurai jack inspired
Steampunk inspired
The are time machine types Time teleport watchphone, phone or telephone booth
Flying trains
Create own hologram
Create own robot pet
Create hologram imaginary friend
Hologram windows
futons for all ages
Kotatu set
We only have simply cutlery/dinnerware set how about more lavish European posh set, modern dark set,a Japanese dinnware set Chinese plate design. With stackable plates, cups and glasses
Buffet serving style
Pottery skill
Vintage scenic wallpaper
Tatami set
Folding wall bed
In ground jacuzzi/hot tub
New headdress
New sari 🥻 for all ages
Haramaki sash
A hanbok dress for all ages
New Kimono for all ages
Hakama for all ages
Yukata for all ages
Cheongsam/qipao dress
Hanfu traditional clothings for all ages
Chinese hair comb and hairpin
Head bandana
Curved bridges usable
Gongfu tea tray
Trays to eat on lap
fengguan headdress
Big Ankara head wrap
Tribal fabric necklace
Kasa/ strawhat
Oil paper umbrella
Bonsai tree
Chinese go table
Irisdescent backpack
New phone option: flip phone, slim touchscreen phone, watch phone,the princess telephone ☎️,
Telephone booth
Hologram Tv 📺
Retro TVs 📺!!0-item_pic.jpg

Animal reserve pack

zoo and a farm combined
People can visit the farm and see the animals
Reservationists take care of animal that have either been abandoning or a sick.
Can create own, zoo farm and aquariums
Animals in this pack: rabbit, goats, sheep, pigs, chicken, equines (horse,zebra,ponies donkeys), bears (panda,grizzly),big cats (lions,tigers,panthers), iguana, snakes, llama, giraffe, birds (parrot, hawk, robin), mouse, aquatic animals ( killer whale, crocodile, dolphin, sharks, stingray, koi fish, fighting fish, flounder, crab), monkeys and apes
CAS Animals: rabbits 🐇 🐰 , equines, bears, big cats, birds, llama 🦙, monkeys
Can make almond milk
Can ride equines
If you have cat and dogs can take exotic animals to the vet
Can grow animals food
Kids can garden
Can grow crops can grow long wheat grass
Can added fishes to own pond with pond tool.
Can add big fishes to pools
Snakes a slither around when you let them out of their cages. They will climb on Sims and attempt bites Sims if they are hungry.
If you have cat and dogs. Dogs can heard in sheep. Goat can also heard in 🐑 sheep. Chicken will lay eggs in chicken coup and come out to be fed with feed thrown on the grass by a sim . Pigsty for pigs will role around in mud. Rabbit move freely around the house are can nap in cage. Birds can be let out of coup and fly in circle inside house or sit on fences or roof if they haven’t been fed they fly away when let out of coup. Big animal like bears, big cats and giraffe roam around they’re lot in there respective zones.
Zone barriers are made up for all animal some zone barriers allow certain animals mix.
Secret unicorn 🦄 that if sim is able to convince unicorn to become friends can unlock CAS item and take unicorn as pet.
If you have realm of magic if you find flying dragon and befriend dragon can fly around on dragon.
If you have the animals like goat and chicken milk and eggs will be free.
Can use equines to travel around worlds*k3PsTP1ibp4CTLJ3ofVlqg.jpeg*UouFwfs8uBrwMuXpzn3bWg.png

Carnival pack

create own theme park
Items like: spinning tea cups, bumper carts, go-karting, Merry-go-round 🎠, rollercoaster, Ferris wheel 🎡 for all ages
Hot dog competition
Gymnastics skills added to fitness
Juggling skills for kid and adults
Acrobat skills
Vintage scenic wallpaper
Circus tent 🎪
Ice cream truck🍦 that Sims can order from on street
Ice cream truck part-time job
Ride a skate board for all Sims
Picnic basket to travel, store food and layout a picnic on grass

These are the pack I want the Sims 4 series next what do you want next? :)

9 Replies

  • Wow, I'm impressed about the effort you put in to find all these pictures! Very nice ideas, I agree with you on all aspects :D
  • i definately second a themepark pack!! I've been saying for ages!.
    And a new vacation spot: Snow resort with hotels :-) complete with room service, you rent the rooms like in apartments but pay daily and have your food delivered to your room, or a cafeteria/restaurant in the common area. Ability to snowboard, ski use snowbikes. Hunt for yettis and play with snowmonkeys.
  • Wow these are great ! Another pack that I had in mind was a teacher pack. So you actually got to go in the school and work with students and other teachers it would fit well into the get to work pack if it was added.

    Not only that but a stuff pack would be great. Of bunk beds or sofa beds or maybe even actual game consoles to attach to a computer or TV .
  • What I'd love to see:

    County Fair/Theme Park GP or EP-Must have 3 rides and a ticket booth to be operational. You can build a fair or theme park in any Sims world.

    In Town EP or GP-takes place in an inner city type world that is not surrounded by lots of water. Has 4 areas: Government area that has thngs like court houses,banks,schools,etc. Then there's the Industrial area with garages,factories and warehouses. Then you have the entertaknment/retail area,with thinfs like convinience stores,opera houses,tennis courts,etc. Finally there's the residential area,which includes buildable apartments.

    Musical instrumnts SP-learn instrumnts such as drums,accordions,banjos,saxophones,bagpipes,more typs of electric guitars,etc.

    A Retro stuff pack that contains items from the 50s,60s,70s and 80s.

    If EA were to partner with brand names,here is what I'd love to see:




    Belle City Amusments(they make carnival rides)

    Five Nighrs At Freddy's(with Scott Cawthon)

    Coca-Cola or Pepsi

    Amtrak Trains

    New worlds based on Greece,Italy,Africa,Australia,Norway,Japan,China,Tibet,Mexico,Route 66 and India.

  • Wow, you really put a lot of thought in this, good job!

    But tbh, just give me a bunk bed and I'll be happy ^^
  • Packs or items i'd like to see are
    1. Farm/Country Pack - Tons of people have been wanting horses and a more off grid lifestyle where you can own farm animals, maybe harvest crops, ride/show horses like in sims 3.
    2. Hotel Pack - I've been wanting a hotel pack like yours for years where you can run a hotel and stay in one in all neighborhoods as opposed to a single family vacation rental in vacation towns only.
    3. Bunk beds, I honestly have no clue why this was not included in the kid's room pack. Bunk beds as well for teens/adults too, not just children.
    4. Being able to visit your neighbors!!! Why can't we visit neighbors/friends like in previous sims games?!
    5. Amusement Park/Carnival Pack where there are rideable rides like a merry go round and ferris wheel, and you can win stuffed animal prizes etc.
  • I would like to see some sort of Sim 4 Gender Reveal Party in a pack, with like cake, basketball, ballons, poppers or something to turn either blue or pink and reveal the gender of the baby/babies
  • "S1MSLYS1S__QARD;d-969869" wrote:
    What should be the next packs in sims 4

    Hotel pack

    You can create own hotel, Motel, BnB, Inn, Resort
    You can run multiple business in one business your hotel/Inn/motel. You assign employees to space depending on what facilities and activities you have in you lot. E.g if you have a yoga mats then you can have a yoga instructor if you have gym equipment then you assign gym etc if don’t have these items then they won’t be a option.
    Hotel employee career: Bellman, housekeeping, receptionist, concierge and hotel manager
    hire employees like; Bellman, housekeeping, receptionist, concierge, managers. If hotel have more facilities like restaurant or/and spa hire those employee staff also. E.g. spa instructors, server, restaurant manager, barkeep etc.
    Must include a place to eat either a bar/restaurant or café
    Sim can own more than one lot and rent them out as a business or residential they can buy lots as vacation homes and also rent them out
    Allows Sims to be able to live in vacation worlds
    Sim can go on honeymoons and vacations
    Hotel owner (your sims household) prices each room suite by the door
    room service
    Assign VIP area in hotels for special guest
    floating bar
    deep diving skill
    surfing skill
    A new open sea worlds were Sims can vacation or live on a selection of cruise ships, pirate ships, yacht, submarine and house boats. With the pirate ship, cruise ship, submarines and yacht they are premade however you can change the colour swatch of the outside and design the inside layout (similar to city living) in these premade build you the the ocean and the under ocean view through the cabin windows. With the house boat they are floating platforms that you can build on and they are closer to the shoreline.
    Similar to realm of magic they’re is a underwater world we’re either mermaid can live or research laboratories for scientist or just a underwater home. That are reach either by diving, submarine or mermaid swimming to one is a 50x50 open lot without the sphere covering it. The other two have the sphere covering it.
    I think this world should have one jumbo cruise ship, two pirate ships, two submarines, 3 yachts and 3 house boats , 3 underwater lots, 3 on land lots by the coast = 17 lots (the reason why I think there should 2 pirates hips and submarines is for rivalry stories) or have lands lots, sea lot, boat lots and underwater lots, then for water lots place the type of boat what on that lot. ( must be enough above water lot for 2 boats)
    have a pirate fight with other pirate ships
    be able to drive, boats and submarines
    explore underwater caves
    Hotels are rated by the customers
    Be a hotel owner or visitor


    Study pack

    teen, kids can go to actual school, you have the option to join or it be a rabbit hole like usual.
    Parents/Guardians can choose what types of school their kids go to and based on knowledge, money and fame if you have the get together pack if they will get in.
    The have options of going to public, private, boarding school
    Guardians also have the option of home school were they teach students themselves if they work are a teacher or work part-time as a tutor or hire a tutor. You can hire a tutor even if child isn’t home-schooled.
    A part-time tutor career option is available for teens and adult etc.
    Join in school option for toddler, kids and teen. Preschool, Primary/Elementary school and Highschool.
    boarding school is for all ages
    Their are Three different school types to choose from; public schools, private school, boarding school. By how many school lots you put in a world is the number of options that will appear in toddler, kids and teens menu. Then when sim student applies for school more school options will be available.
    Each school lot type has it own requirements
    Preschool, primary/elementary school and Highschool are each lot traits. These lot traits though also come with requirements
    You can your own boarding school
    Teacher career is a active career. Teachers plan lesson. Can discipline misbehave students and send them to detention though depending on the router may have to do the detention wither or earn extra money by volunteering. They assign group project. They can decide to be strict or laidback but it will effect opportunities for promotions they should be a healthy balance of both. Teacher can take student phones away if they are using them in class Listen to students problems. They can ask school board for better equipment. Teachers will converse with students, other teachers, coaches and other faculty member. Teacher can eventually become head teachers.
    Students can be good or bad student and there performance and behaviour in school will effect there school report and grades. Student can prank fellow students or teacher unless teacher chooses group can choose groups for class project but they have to decide to what everyone will be depending on the group project depending on friendship level with other students will depend if they accept if you can form a group then student will have to ask the teacher which will be embarrassing.
    Student can throw paper aeroplane, paper spit at others, secretly text in class. They finish work early depending on writing and logic skills
    Students can be suspended if they have too many bad report which is effected by misbehaviour like pranking, leaving class early, food fight or being in a fight but only if caught doing these actions by faculty staff member or being snitched on by other students
    Student can snitch on other students and faculty staff
    depending of influences, money, fame students, parents, guardians can try bribe to get kid into better schools.
    Can form cliques and be in more than one.
    Within the clique group have a popularity system.
    If sim is the leader of a clique can reject people and replace or take out members can overthrow a leader if you are liked better.
    The popularity system works similar to fame points in get famous and the clique work similar to club in get together but both are combine and can have as many sim in the Clique group.
    Clique group can decide what Clique or sim they hate. what are the dos and don'ts. and what other Cliques or sims the that Clique like
    Teacher plan graduation events
    Shy, bossy, nonchalant traits
    Students plan own sleepover slumber party event it doesn’t have to include a award but if it does depending on how good it can boost popularity if their school has a popularity system lot trait.
    New item sleepover bag
    New item wearable bags and backpacks new accessories category? for all ages
    At the sleepover Sims will tell stories and do pranks.
    Teacher can assign students to plan prom or students can plan prom event. If a student plan a event depending on how well it goes can effect their popularity in popularity system.
    Get see what can do in after school activities and sports. There a three team sports, ? , baseball⚾️, footie ⚽️, and one, One on one tennis ? that you play against rival school teams but have join the school club to participate.
    Sims can know play one on one with these sports. (With basketball and footie you only get these sports if you have the expansion pack that have them).
    Similar to the club system in get together can create own after school clubs. New dance skills ballet and ballroom goes under classical dancing. Do live performances for others Sims, students and teacher plan a play.
    New item drums.(for all ages) Learn how to the drums and create a band
    Sims can now couple dance
    New item couple swing
    New couple poses for prom pictures
    All these activities and sports are for both kids and teens
    Bikes for kids
    Tricycle for toddlers
    Skateboarding for all Sims ages
    Roller skating and skateboarding as a way of travelling
    Students move up a grade or graduate (if you seasons every full season cycle e.g after all four season have passed) 56 days.
    Boarding school have to at least ten beds similar to discover university they temporary move and are separated from the other household when you decide to to choose boarding school life you choose stay with the boarded sim at the boarding school or switch back to main household anytime similar to when you leave one sim at house to develop it own skills and play with other sim.
    Boarding school sims can choose to go home for the holidays or not.
    Boarding school Sims only spend (if you have seasons 3 seasons a year)/42 days a year at the boarding school.
    School uniforms
    Can decide in any school if students have uniforms
    Can design school uniforms option in CAS (similar to dine out and get to work) for students if have seasons can design seasonal options for different seasons.
    For boarding and private school option is already chosen can change if wanted


    Time travel pack

    I think the Sims 4 needs more cultural customs and lifestyles in its game. I think a good way to represent that is time travel pack this pack can have a hotpot of cultures. World idea one world that lead and you enter two future worlds the first world is in the past in old South Asia the two future worlds: Apoplectic future underground and a utopia future in the sky on a alien plant.
    Doctor who inspired, Samurai jack inspired
    Steampunk inspired
    The are time machine types Time teleport watchphone, phone or telephone booth
    Flying trains
    Create own hologram
    Create own robot pet
    Create hologram imaginary friend
    Hologram windows
    futons for all ages
    Kotatu set
    We only have simply cutlery/dinnerware set how about more lavish European posh set, modern dark set,a Japanese dinnware set Chinese plate design. With stackable plates, cups and glasses
    Buffet serving style
    Pottery skill
    Vintage scenic wallpaper
    Tatami set
    Folding wall bed
    In ground jacuzzi/hot tub
    New headdress
    New sari ? for all ages
    Haramaki sash
    A hanbok dress for all ages
    New Kimono for all ages
    Hakama for all ages
    Yukata for all ages
    Cheongsam/qipao dress
    Hanfu traditional clothings for all ages
    Chinese hair comb and hairpin
    Head bandana
    Curved bridges usable
    Gongfu tea tray
    Trays to eat on lap
    fengguan headdress
    Big Ankara head wrap
    Tribal fabric necklace
    Kasa/ strawhat
    Oil paper umbrella
    Bonsai tree
    Chinese go table
    Irisdescent backpack
    New phone option: flip phone, slim touchscreen phone, watch phone, the princess telephone ☎️,
    Telephone booth
    Hologram Tv ?
    Retro TVs ?


    Animal reserve pack

    zoo and a farm combined
    People can visit the farm and see the animals
    Reservationists take care of animal that have either been abandoning or a sick.
    Can create own, zoo farm and aquariums
    Animals in this pack: rabbit, goats, sheep, pigs, chicken, equines (horse,zebra,ponies donkeys), bears (panda,grizzly),big cats (lions,tigers,panthers), iguana, snakes, llama, giraffe, birds (parrot, hawk, robin), mouse, aquatic animals ( killer whale, crocodile, dolphin, sharks, stingray, koi fish, fighting fish, flounder, crab), monkeys and apes
    CAS Animals: rabbits ? ? , equines, bears, big cats, birds, llama ?, monkeys
    Can make almond milk
    Can ride equines
    If you have cat and dogs can take exotic animals to the vet
    Can grow animals food
    Kids can garden
    Can grow crops can grow long wheat grass
    Can added fishes to own pond with pond tool.
    Can add big fishes to pools
    Snakes a slither around when you let them out of their cages. They will climb on Sims and attempt bites Sims if they are hungry.
    If you have cat and dogs. Dogs can heard in sheep. Goat can also heard in ? sheep. Chicken will lay eggs in chicken coup and come out to be fed with feed thrown on the grass by a sim . Pigsty for pigs will role around in mud. Rabbit move freely around the house are can nap in cage. Birds can be let out of coup and fly in circle inside house or sit on fences or roof if they haven’t been fed they fly away when let out of coup. Big animal like bears, big cats and giraffe roam around they’re lot in there respective zones.
    Zone barriers are made up for all animal some zone barriers allow certain animals mix.
    Secret unicorn ? that if sim is able to convince unicorn to become friends can unlock CAS item and take unicorn as pet.
    If you have realm of magic if you find flying dragon and befriend dragon can fly around on dragon.
    If you have the animals like goat and chicken milk and eggs will be free.
    Can use equines to travel around worlds


    Carnival pack

    create own theme park
    create own rollercoaster
    Items like: spinning tea cups, bumper carts, go-karting, Merry-go-round ?, rollercoaster, waterslide coaster, Ferris wheel ? for all ages
    Hot dog competition
    bouncy castle
    Gymnastics skills added to fitness
    Juggling skills for kid and adults
    Acrobat skills
    Vintage scenic wallpaper
    Circus tent ?
    Ice cream truck? that Sims can order from on street
    Ice cream truck part-time job
    theme park lot trait
    Ride a skate board for all Sims
    Picnic basket to travel, store food and layout a picnic on grass
    place picnic blanket on grass and place picnic on top


    Fairytale pack

    Have a royalty system: can assign a royal family to world however their can only be one royal family per world.
    Kings, Queens, Dukes, Duchesses, Knights, ladies, lords.
    For a royalty menu in game which must have: both or 1 king and 1 queen , 2 duke, 2 duchess, 2 lord, 2 lady, 6 knights at least. they can have more. the royal court automatically become bigger when a heir is produce of princes and princesses.
    (the royal menu is a combination of the family tree and club system)
    If a none royal sim marries a into royalty they automatically get a title however if they just have a child with the sim they don't.
    king and queen if they rule together.
    create owns Werewolves.
    Because werewolves have 3 forms in CAS create all three forms: human, wolf, werewolf
    the werewolves coat is same option as hair colours.
    create own Magical being: fairies, Genie, angel and demons
    This would be a update to the existing witch occult
    pointy elf ear option in CAS
    Scars in CAS
    horns in CAS
    tales in CAS
    Wings in CAS
    werewolf teeth in CAS
    royal outfits in CAS
    Tudor outfits in CAS
    medieval outfits in CAS
    Victorian outfits in CAS
    rococo dress in CAS
    fantasy outfits in CAS
    peasant outfits in CAS
    Masquarade Mask in CAS
    skeleton in CAS
    zombie face paint in CAS
    Zombie body paint in CAS
    zombie missing arm in CAS
    body hair update
    folding fan
    With the magical being in gameplay can decide which magical being your sims want to be (angel, demon, fairy, spellcaster, genie)
    then a magic menu (separate to the spellcaster menu) for quirks will come up for traits you can get (similar to realm of magic and vampires)
    Create own Mythical horses: unicorns and (Pegasus) winged horse
    cosplay costumes as Disney characters for kids and toddler
    crowns and tiaras for all ages
    fairy-tale come with two worlds and had a hidden world lot in one of them.
    royal wedding event
    bridesmaids, groomsmen's, flower girl, ring bearer, update for weddings (decide brides, grooms, bridesmaids, groomsmen's outfit for wedding in CAS, not just random when planning event)
    funeral event update
    sim can be knighted by a royals as knights, lords and ladies. So when a sim is addressed in panel it would say their title either Sir, Lord, Lady then their given name.
    royal staff career: servant, royal cook, court jester, advisor
    hire bodyguard
    bodyguard lot trait
    bodyguard part time career
    bridges as objects
    sword fights
    sims can protest a royal in their world.
    sims can get other sims to sign petition to overthrow royalty or disband royalty
    other royal courts can have battle sending the knights to fight to disband another royal court in another world and own it.
    royals can send threaten normal sim to make them stop petition and protest.
    member with in a royal court can start a coo to overthrow royal rulers
    magic lamp rabbit hole for genies
    small fairy house rabbit hole for fairies
    werewolves menu separate menu
    werewolves can shapeshift into full wolves any time but on full moon night shapeshift into werewolves humanoid. have normal human disguise in daytime.
    werewolves are stronger so wont lose in a combat fight against a normal sim.
    they can leap when running
    werewolves howl at night
    werewolves friendship with dogs can increase much quicker
    when sim rubs lamp a genie appears and they can make wishes
    sim can free genie by wishing for genies freedom
    genies are similar to butlers but with quirks
    genies have no legs and float.
    fairies, angel and demon can all fly with wings
    when a sims signs a demon contract they may get a wish but then they have to do something for the demon or get a curse on top
    sims can ask demon to bring back another sim to life however they come as a zombie
    angels can save a sim from dying
    Demons and angels don't die
    fairies fix broken thing in home, fairies can elemental powers: fire, air, water, earth.
    fairies can break curses
    Grim reaper part time career. With this career you also get task and odd job to do instead of going into a rabbit hole. However the grim reaper career only appears for ghosts and occult sims.,h_2576,c_limit/Neuschwanstein-GettyImages-149410921.jpg,h_1349,w_2400,x_0,y_0/f_auto,q_auto,w_1100/v1585337502/shape/mentalfloss/621810-budget_direct-hed.jpg

    These are the pack I want the Sims 4 series next what do you want next? :)


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