Forum Discussion

DrearyMae's avatar
New Adventurer
5 years ago

Why can't the Sims play D&D? + Comics and Spooky trait additions

I'm made a geeky Sim and thinking there isn't much besides videos to geek about. No comics or D&D. Both Getting famous and Star Wars seems to be hints away on these two. There's many costume that would support comics and D&D be added. D&D could be a game pack or could be a stuff pack along the same for comics. The comic stuff pack could be comics and graphic novels, the current choices don't feel right for stand ins for comics and graphics. I feel they are specifically different to each other and other 'scriptures'.
If they give traits again i would like something spooky to highlight on edgy details. There's no traits that would properly hint them using mischief stuff for fun. loner wouldn't work like that or gloomy. Evil, goof ball, and mean would maybe, but it's too aggressive to me. If there's Sims just have a softer kind of aura that would make them light hearted about the practice of mischief and magic, those wouldn't be appropriate.
@~+ I like to be happy for Sims and happy for being there for what Sims get to do.

7 Replies

  • I would love for my sims to have the comic book Superheroes traits.
  • Oh this is a great idea! I think the Sims needs more traits and hobbies in general, and this would add so much flavour. You could do so much with this...

    -Add new extra curricular for teens & kids. They could have a comic club and a DnD group
    -Have a comic book convention in game. You could go to stalls to buy comics, dress up, attend panels (that could build skills while listening) and ask for autographs.
    -You could add another career specific to comic books and graphic novels. It would involve writing and art, and you would have to do both to finish it.
    -DnD could be a new skill, and maybe you can't DM until level 3 or something. You could have a special gaming table, and they could have character sheets similar to how void critters work. You could level them up and choose adventures like "easy", "moderate", "difficult" and "insanity". If you don't level up your character enough or the party is unbalanced, etc you risk total party kills while playing. So fun!
    -New traits like "Day Dreamer", that can make your sim zone out sometimes, but get extra happy from playing DnD and get more interactions.
    -New Aspiration "Complete the Ultimate Campaign" for DnD.
    -They could even add sewing in it, and that could be all part of cosplaying comic book characters. They improve skills to make costumes and outfits. Another new trait could come from that, a new skill, and you could make an aspiration!

    If they included this with a few other new hobbies, I think it would ge a great Game Pack. Then they could really flesh it out and do fun stuff. I already mentioned sewing as one to go along. Maybe you could also do Video Game design, and publish little indie games, or else become a game designer? I feel like that would be relatively simple to add, it would just be a computer interaction similar to writing books. Maybe add "game tester" as well?
  • I love the idea of more Geek options than Video Games, since I'm not a computer gamer, but I do consider myself a major geek. I just happen to be a geek about Fantasy and Horror, rather than video games.

    The only thing about this idea that makes me wince is that while D&D is the best-known TTRPG out there, it's far from the only one (Cyberpunk 2020 was a TTRPG before it was a video game. There's also Shadowrun, Call of Cthulhu, Traveler, Deadlands, Star Wars, Pathfinder, Legend of the Five Rings, Seventh Sea, FATE, World of Darkness/Chronicles of Darkness, and those are just a handful of the top of my head). And as someone who hasn't been impressed with D&D for the last few editions (purely a "Me" thing. I discovered some 20 years ago that I don't like level-based character progression.) I'd prefer a non-specific TTRPG setup with "swatches" that are different genres (Fantasy as the default, and then Sci-Fi, Urban Fantasy, Horror, and Steampunk, for example)

    The interactions would all be roughly the same (roll dice, check character sheet, describe actions, describe the scene, move miniatures, etc.)

    And while I do think it could be a skill, I'm not sure there should be a minimum to GM, since in my 30+ years of playing and GMing it doesn't really require experience playing first. I've known several excellent players who couldn't GM their way out of a wet paper bag, and I've known several Wonderful GMs who were more or less useless when they're members of the party.
  • Rami_Samii's avatar
    Rising Hotshot
    5 years ago
    "Chazzzy;c-17669900" wrote:
    What is D&D?

    It is short for 'Dungeons and Dragons.' It's pretty much a medieval, fantasy game of role-playing to put it simply. You create characters, roll dice, and can embark on plenty of quests and trials.

    Speaking of, I think LARP-ing could be a fun thing for nerd/geek sims to do! It makes me want to make a nerd club :D
  • A "geeky" stuff pack would be cool. They could give us comic books, more costumes, decor, and a Sim version of D&D. I would also love to have more arcade games, so we could build places for them to go. Maybe it would have to be a game pack to get enough items to make it worth it. I don't know. Even better, they could do an entire expansion pack based on hobbies and interests. They could expand on multiple interests that way. It would be nice to have interests actually mean something. Sims 2 Free Time was one of my favorite packs.

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