Forum Discussion

Mk_2790's avatar
New Spectator
4 years ago

"Winter of Sims" concept

November 2021, December 2021 and January 2022

  • November: New expansion pack "Generations" (families, schools, celebrations)
  • December: CAS Kit (winter russian costumes) and gameplay Kit (lawn mowing)
  • January: New stuff pack (sports)
  • Base game updates: spiral staircases / composting / aquariums

7 Replies

  • Redrogue60's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    4 years ago
    I'd add lighted greenery and wreaths for December as Holiday Goodwill items

    But I'd settle for an update that allows us to place stockings on all the fireplaces with mantles.

  • "redrogue60;c-17887287" wrote:
    I'd add lighted greenery and wreaths for December as Holiday Goodwill items

    But I'd settle for an update that allows us to place stockings on all the fireplaces with mantles.

    I so want stockings! Even just for decor. And if Sims could knit stockings!!!

    My brother and I each have a beloved, gigantic stocking my grandmother knitted for us when we were born. They're beautiful, and huge because at the last second, she forgot how to turn the heel. They don't get filled anymore (lest they break), but we still hang them up every Christmas. Stockings are an integral part of Christmas for me and I'm sad the Sims doesn't include them.
  • Nice idea.

    We always found a woollen stocking beside our bed filled with an orange, apple, nuts and small packs of sweet treats and small toys. After WW2 we didn't have the enormous range of Christmas stuff now available. We made our own paper chains to hang from corner to corner of the lounge and made our own ornaments for the tree. I remember waking up my dad & mum too early on Christmas morning opening a "Jack in the box" as a toddler. Great times. We played board games and listened to carols on the radio as hardly anyone owned a TV, until the Coronation in 1953 being televised, caused a rush to get one!
  • "CAPTAIN_NXR7;c-17896211" wrote:
    You forgot Werewolves. ?

    They can be in it if they come bearing gifts!
  • I'd love to see a kit for Russian decor in general. Matryoshka dolls, samovar tea sets, onion domes in build mode, Soviet-era Socialist Realism art pieces for the walls...but I am a bit of a Russophile, so YMMV.
  • I hope that's a New Zealand lawn-mowing pack. Who in the Northern hemisphere mows their lawn in December?