5 years ago
Wolf Blood: A Spellcaster Legacy -- Updated Sep 3
The spellcaster race is dying out, there's no debating that. Ezio, Morgyn Ember's twin brother, decides to return to the human world and help bolster the spellcasters on the other side of the divide; Morgyn will remain in magic realm, and together they'll each protect their kind in different, but necessary, ways. However, Ezio's not even sure how he's meant to do this. All he has is a dream, and 16,000 Simoleons.
* This is basically just a first-person regurgitation of what happens in the game, so it won't get too complicated. Or dark. The link at the top has links to other cool stuff and the rule-set I'm following (it's a bit tweaked because spellcasters are inherently cheat-y).
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Generation One
Generation Two
Generation Three