5 months agoRising Newcomer
New packs/content please
I am apart of a Facebook group that has a bunch of ideas for new content which would be great if Sims4 creators would make!
- Zombies(extension to life and death pack?)
- fairies
- garages/Cars
- sims that have element powers(water,earth,air,fire)
- medieval times (Royal people)
- burglars
- criminal minds esque pack
- Spiral/Flareout staircases
- elder sims playing bingo
- no loading screens just walking map to map
- multiplayer
- occult sims have their own high school
- Teen pregnancy
- teens that graduate early having adult jobs
- more active careers
- realistic careers
new maps
- underwater(mermaids extension)
- outerspace(alien extension)
- Something like avatar(blue people movie)
- amusement park
- more scenery maps