Why is it such a struggle to get sims to eat as a family at the same time?
I like playing families and it would be nice if they could spend at least one meal together per day. But it's so frustrating.
Getting them to all sit at the table is one thing. But even if you set the table and click sit on all of them, at least one will inevitably grab food and go to another room. I wouldn't even care if they all ate in the living room, just dang it Sims stop walking away!
The minute their hunger dips they are going for the fridge. Even if someone is busy cooking a family meal. Then they are not hungry for meal time.
THe minute a sim cooks a group meal they grab a plate. You have to hover over them, make them put it down before they eat too much and fill their hunger bar. Why can't they give you a second to click call for meal?
And I really hate turning off autonomy altogether because I usually focus on a member or two of the family and hate it when the rest just stand around peeing themselves and passing out on the ground and ignoring infants because I was focused on another sim trying to raise a friendship level or working on a skill.
Seems there are a couple of things you guys could do so we don't need to download mods to help immensely with these issues: 1) delay grabbing food when cooking a group meal (no auto grab) 2) allow us to lock the fridge so we don't have to keep going into build mode to turn it around.